why rama asked sita for agnipariksha

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why rama asked sita for agnipariksha

I resort unto the Atman of radiant blazing body abiding in the hearts of all living beings. On seeing it Rama was delighted in mind. Rama knows this, because, He's the Lord. Raghava and the other people and he vanished. This auspicious woman could not give way to the sovereignty, existing in the gynaecium of Ravana, in as much as Seetha is not different from me, even as sunlight is not different from the sun. Agni is considered the sakshi for all the truth. Can the US House/Congress impeach/convict a private citizen that hasn't held office? Sri Rama sends Vibhishana to bring Seetha to his presence. propitiated him. everything". Does a chess position exists where one player has insufficient material, and at the same time has a forced mate in 2. Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and other gods reach that place and eulogise Sri Rama as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and Seeta as Adilakshmi. Sita is the mother of the universe and the supreme goddess of fortune. He labors at length, trying to reason with her at the perils of a forest life. Hence, eulogising Sri Rama as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and Seeta as Adilakshmi by Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva WAS DONE to elevate the status of Lord Vishnu and did not fit into Srimad Ramayana. The lord spoke to Vahni: Was this fair-complexioned lady burned by you before, as she has been seen come to my side again? The lady of pure smiles realised his intention. Sita Devi is one of the main characters in the Ramayana, a major Hindu epic.Born in Sitamarhi (Punaura) in Bihar (India), Sita was taken to Janakpur (in the present … the creator of all the worlds and the best among the knowers of sacred After burning the illusory Sita, the lord fire-god of hot rays, showed the real Sita to Rama. I can vouch that almost 95% of the Indians at some point in life may have heard or... Valmiki Ramayan. Rama had achieved his motive. Thus, the curse became the real reason behind the separation of Rama and Sita, when Sita was five months pregnant. What were the reasons for suffering of Lord Rama and Devi Sita? He can be known or got by his dear devotee only otherwise common people have no reach there. Rama, Sita and Lakshmana were spending their time peacefully in the forest of Dandaka (later known as Panchwati). If you can help us, please write to us using our contact us page. Such anguish and pain can come only of genuine love and concern for the one you are worrying about • He then got ready to take on the most powerful person in the world in his own backyard. In the Ramayana, Sita – the consort of Rama (the prince of Ayodhya and an avatar of the god Vishnu) – is seized by Ravana and imprisoned in Lanka, until she is rescued by Rama, who slays her captor. there. It would have been very easy for him to marry someone else and lead a family life; instead he chose to keep his promise to not marry again. E.g., … Seetha, the daughter of Janaka, is completely pure in her character, in all the three worlds and can no longer be renounced by me, as a good name cannot be cast aside by a prudent man. After repeating (the prayer in) these eight (?) But you obviously knew it. On that account, Ravana, the wicked king of the Raksasas and the destroyer of the worlds, had been killed. of Yogins, the dispenser of fruits (in the form) of enjoyment and Why did Lord Rama ask for the second Pariksha? She was thus buried in a casket at Jankas plouging field. abode, the great one of unmeasured splendour. As we find today, there would be hardly any sane individual who would question Mata Sita’s character • Shri Ram suffered as much as Mata Sita after the separation if not more. He declared that Sita had to pass the Agni Pariksha test so that he could accept her back. Even then, he had asked his younger brother Lakshman to take care of her; this shows that though he was acting in love he still had the presence of mind to make sure his wife would be safe. We dived deeper into his fathomless love for Sita in Rama’s love for Sita – Agnipariksha 2. resort to the fire-god, the Lord of great Yogins, the sun, the supreme I hereby command you.". Here agni himself confessed her to be pure. When Ravana kidnapped her, he took only her material illusionary form. There is also a thing of Maya Sita who was conjured for the sole purpose of playing out the Leela, written in the Kurma Purana. प्रविशन्तीं हुताशनम् || (Yuddha Kanda 118 Sarga 17 Sloka), "In order to convince the three worlds, I, whose refugee is truth, Sri Rama informs Seetha that the dishonour meted out to him and the wrong done to her by Ravana have been wiped off, by his victory over the enemy with the assistance of Sri Hanuma, Sugreeva and Vibhishana. Why does the T109 night train from Beijing to Shanghai have such a long stop at Xuzhou? - The episode of Agni Pariksha. So, let us explore in totality how Shri Ram chose to lead his life: • He was the first King and God in the whole world, whose first promise to his wife was that all through his life, he would never even gaze at another woman with ill intent. With her palms joined in devotion, Rama's wife worshipped the great Yogi (the fire-god), the destroyer (scorcher) of the worlds, In fact, a person with material senses cannot even see her. rev 2021.1.21.38376, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Like any library, Hinduism Stack Exchange shares great information, but, Hinduism Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. What is the reason for Lord Rama to ask Mother Sita to give Agni Pariksha? I resort to that Supreme reality, the excellent and auspicious principle of the sun. This story, retold in Caitanya caritamrta 2.9.200 - 212, appears in Kurma Purana 2.34.111 - 140. Then, Seetha requests Lakshmana to prepare a pile of fire for her to enter. I seek refuge in the Lord whose But Ram always respected the existing tradition (Maryada) of that time. been withdrawn. One of the most controversial episodes of Ramayan is the Agnipariskha (Test by Fire) of Sita. See another comprehensive answer of mine about the same topic, here. अहमाज्ञापयामि ते || (Yuddha Kanda 118 Sarga 10 Sloka), "Take back Seetha, who is sinless, with a pure character. But this also comes under a mystic leela. Will a refusal to enter the US mean I can't enter Canada either? Technically Rama didn't ask Sita to go into the fire. Of course, this still wasn't enough to make the people of Ayodhya believe that Sita had been faithful, which is what ultimately led to Sita's exile. Then upon the question of Agni pariksha, which baffles most of us, Svaha readily agrees. One day, Sita saw a golden deer she was charmed and asked Rama to catch it. 6. However you will remin as virgin only . The salutary advice of you all, the affectionate guardians of the world, who are saying what is conducive to our good, must be certainly carried out by me. 1> Return of Maya Sita back to Agnidev, and 2> A foolproof convincing of the common public that Sita was not unchaste, as a disgruntled public would not be beneficial for Ram Rajya. Shri Ram didn’t want to burden Mata Sita with guilt, he wanted to comfort her because he loved her • Once they got back, Shri Ram became the undisputed king of Ayodhya, probably the first democratic King, who was a clear choice of the people, to set up RamRajya • Unfortunately, like some people questions Shri Ram today, some very similar people questioned the sanctity of Mata Sita in those days. A chaste woman devoted to piety (dharma) shall always attain welfare Certain schools of thought even believe that Rama specifically asked (Maya) Sita to take the agnipariksha so that he could get back his original Sita, and not necessarily to prove her chastity. Pitrs). This was a risk which Rama had taken on his own honour. The Agnipariksha was never an intention of Rama, albeit that had to be done because the Sita who was kidnapped by Ravana was no other than an illusory form of Sita called Maya Sita. Sita was actually the daughter of Lord Agni and Mandodari. To consider the totality before passing judgments is important because killing someone (Act) becomes valid when done by a soldier (Karta) because of his Neeyat (Intention) but if done by a terrorist (Karta) the same act becomes horrendous. Create a pile of fire for me, which is a remedy for this At this point, Lakshmana is angered at Rama for the first time in his life, but following Rama's nod, he builds a pyre for Sita. By the same token, he barely does raise so many objections for Lakshmana’s desire to accompany. If Sri Rama already had a doubt of Seeta’s conjugal fidelity or he already decided to disown Seeta after killing of Ravana, he would have felt relieved with the news of death of Seeta. Do PhD admission committees prefer prospective professors over practitioners? beings. ignored Seetha while she was entering the fire.". Laxman strongly opposed this. Understanding Rama - Agnipariksha 1 Every few months in social media, there is a host of specious arguments claiming why one’s daughter is better off not marrying Rama like person. विशुद्धभावां निष्पापां प्रतिगृह्णीष्व मैथिलीम् | न किंचिरभिधातव्या And if it is so, why did he doubt Sita? He is the prime source of energy by which everyone gets the energy to dwell. He was just playing the role of a human. It is reported that by means of his Maya, he disguised himself (as) an ascetic and determined to abduct that beautiful lady From the fire it is Sita who comes back through Agni and Sita is then united with Rama. Why did Lord Rama ask mother Sita for Agni Pariksha? I no longer wish to survive with false blames.". "Accept this pure Janaki at my instance. For e.g. Whoever inserted Seeta parityaga (Disowning) episode" in Ramayana, for elevating the status of Vishnu, which was an epithet in Veda, as SUPREME LORD, forgot that it led to a character assassination of Sri Rama. resplendent soul manifested himself as if burning with his own He took her back to Ayodhya, where He was coronated, King. the Avasathya (household) fire. How else would you justify God himself running like an ordinary man behind a deer to please his wife? Who are panis and why Vedas are ordering to kill them? In this final portion, we will analyse Agnipariksha in finer detail. a beloved of Devas. So once Ravana dies, Rama asked Sita to walk through Agni so that she can dissolve Her mirror image and come back to original Self. Rama is known to be a mithabashi, one who speaks very little, taciturn.Yet the most he is captured speaking in Valmiki Ramayana is trying to prevent Sita from going along with him to the forest. Lord Rama came and his army generals narrated to Him the details. Truth behind Sita's Agni Pariksha. Rama always heard and obeys his publics verdict on hearing one of his kingdom's public's words he asked his wife Sita to go for Agni Pariksha and prove her purity . Whether Chhaya Sita / Maya sita is mentioned in valmiki ramayan or in which scripture first? It is the moment when her chastity will be proved to the entire world. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. bears the device of a bull as his banner and having three eyes, Brahma mithyaapavaadopahataa naahaM jiivitumutsahe, "O Lakshmana! Then Sri Rama accepts Seeta since her chastity was confirmed by AGNIPARIKSHA. Lord Sri Ram is beyond one’s thought, mind and version even. Shri Ram had set this trend thousands of years ago when it was common to have more than one wife, his own father Raja Dashrath had 4 wives and I hope people do give him the credit for understanding pain of women when they have to share their husband with another woman, also the respect and love that he showed towards his wife by making this promise • The promise was the starting point of their beautiful ‘real’ relationship and built a mutual love and respect for each other, for a woman the assurance from her Husband, a Prince that he is hers for the rest of his life is a very big thing, this might be one of the reason why Mata Sita chose to go along with Shri Ram to Vanvas (Exile), for he had become the world for her, and the comforts of the kingdom were pale in comparison to the companionship of Shri Ram • They lived affectionately in the Vanvas (Exile) and Shri Ram tried to provide all the comforts he could to Mata Sita, he genuinely wanted her to be happy. Hindu FAQS | Get answers for all the questions related to Hinduism, the greatest religion! The evil-minded Ravana was not able to lay his violent hands, even in thought, o the unobtainable Seetha, who was blazing like a flaming tongue of fire. जनकात्मजाम् || (Yuddha Kanda 118 Sarga 15 Sloka), "I also know that Seetha, the daughter of Janaka, who ever revolves in Lord Rama is the Supreme Personality and He knew everything. Reason why Lord Rama asked Sita to go through Agni Pariksha? One of the biggest accusations the non devotee makes, especially in a derogatory tone, is Rama asked Sita to jump into fire, as he suspected her character. god. She asks that she be allowed to visit the sages in the forest, to spend a night with them and eat only roots and fruits, reliving the simple joys of their time away from the city. Surprise was evident in his eyes. Various strong viewpoints exist on this issue. His mind became agitated due to At that time age was very high. Lord Rama and Goddess Sita both knew the truth. The fire-god (the purifier) became Reason Why Lord Rama Accepted Mata Sita Only After Agni Pareeksha. This was agni’s confession. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. The episode of Seeta parityaga (disowning) was, in my view, not written down by Sage Valmiki but a PRAKSHIPTA (an insertion made by somebody with a view to elevating the status of Lord Vishnu to that of SARVA LOKADHIPATI at a later date) for the following reasons. her. Why didn't the debris collapse back into the Earth at the time of Moon's formation? Did Sita ask Rama to undergo any such ritual to prove his? लोकस्य ब्रह्मा ब्रह्मविदां वरः || एते सर्वे समागम्य विमानैः Varuna the lord of waters, the illustrious Shiva the great deity who Ignoring the fact that how Rama’s opponents (Read more in How opponents saw Rama, How female opponents saw Rama), even the most tamasic minds had much better understanding of Rama than the half baked accusers. But for the sake of proving it to the world, she was supposed to go through the Agnipariksha. Sita stands before the fire, closing her eyes and folding her hands in devotion. The world would chatter against me, saying that Rama, the son of Dasaratha, was really foolish and that his mind was dominated by lust, if I accept Seetha without examining her with regard to her chastity. Golden deer was actually a demon who was sent by Ravana to lure Rama and Lakshmana away from hermitage so that Ravana could abduct Sita. Why didn't Lord Ram try to prove Mother Sita's Purity but rather chose to exile her? Source-In the Malyalm book called Adhyatma ramayan written by Ezuthachan in the aranya kand there is a chapter called Ravana mareecha samvad whrein Rama is aking sita to hide hereself in Vanhimandal and keep Maya seeta inplac till the killing of RAvan . Later she was married to Rama. But passing such grave judgments against any human let alone God cannot be without the totality of the Karta (Doer), Karm (Act) and Neeyat (Intention). So accept Sita who is so very pure in her conduct. The Agnipariksha was never an intention of Rama, albeit that had to be done because the Sita who was kidnapped by Ravana was no other than an illusory form of Sita called Maya Sita. As Putrakamesthi episode was inserted to make believe the readers that Sri Rama was in fact the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Seeta parityaga (Disowning of Seeta), Seeta Agnipravesha, episodes were inserted consciously to pave way for the arrival of all GODs and Sri Rama accepting Seeta episodes. This story, retold in Caitanya caritamrta 2.9.200 - 212, appears in Kurma Purana 2.34.111 - 140. to gods. अनन्यहृदयां भक्तां मचत्तपरिवर्तिनीम् | अहमप्यवगच्छामि मैथिलीं The Maya has also To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. While its true that people were speaking ill about Sita, they all stopped in their tracks when they witnessed the apparently "cruel" act of Rama. not be told anything harsh. According to him: ‘Rama was the Paramatman and Sita was the Jivatman, and each man’s or woman’s body was the Lanka. His … Leaving Ayodhya. • The promise was the starting point of their beautiful ‘real’ relationship and built a mutual love and … Story of a student who solves an open problem. जलेश्वरः || षड्र्धनयनः श्रीमान् महादेवो वृषध्वजः | कर्ता सर्वस्य ocean. When is it justified to drop 'es' in a sentence? For convincing the living beings, the illusory Sita entered the fire; immediately she was consumed by the fire. Remembering her husband, the son of Dasaratha, she sought refuge in presence of all living beings. The anecdote that introduced me to the epic was about the infant Rama … Sri Rama always expressed his great eagerness in getting back his dear wife Seeta at the earliest. She Rama then asked Sita to give an agnipariksha to prove her chastity. When Agni said this Rama was greatly delighted. one usual stick that non-Hindus and those not sympathetic to Hinduism use to beat Hinduism with is why did Rama ask Sita to undergo agnipariksha to prove her fidelity? @ArkaprabhaMajumdar Yeah, I alluded to it in the end of my answer. trident-bearing Lord, the fire of the Universal destruction, the Lord I resort to Vaisvanara abiding in all living beings, the lord who conveys Havyas and Kavyas (i.e. I resort to Lord Vahni. Sita begs Lakshmana to build her a pyre upon which she could end her life, as she could not live without Rama. Shiva was only an ex-Senadhipathi. form is the universe, the source of all that fiery, brilliant. This question has bothered more and more people in ‘recent’ times, women in particular because they feel abandoning a pregnant wife makes Shri Ram a bad husband, sure they do have a valid point and hence the article. It is the story of an ideal human being ( Maryada Purushottam) who overcame every obstacle on his way and set an example to his people.The incident of Sita’s Agni Pariksha is one such incident where Lord Rama has laid down another standard to the way of life. Rama was a great God, he asked to go his wife Sita for Agni Pariksha after releasing safely from Raavana . cars, shining like the sun approached Rama.". Is it ok to use an employers laptop and software licencing for side freelancing work? Devi Sita is the consort of Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Sri Maha Vishnu, in Hindu mythology. Then out of the Avasathya (household) fire, Lord Mahesvara (the great god), the bearer of sacrificial oblations, of Our aim is to let the people know the basics of hinduism. We at hindufaqs are on a mission to tell the new generation and the older generation who came on the internet recently about hinduism. No man can, by any means, create discomfiture for I also know that Seetha, the daughter of Janaka, who ever revolves in my mind, is undivided in her affection to me. This story, retold in Caitanya caritamrta 2.9.200 - 212, appears in Kurma Purana 2.34.111 - 140. In order to convince the three worlds, I, whose refugee is truth, ignored Seetha while she was entering the fire. A painted mural at the Emerald Bud… I resort to the Agni ascending to As Janaka had no issue he was asked to plough the field . But Sri Hanumana asked them to wait for Lord Rama. Being a kshatriya I … After killing Ravana, Rama took Sita and (came back) accompanied by Laksmana. hide, the lord of the goblins, the Supreme god. Rama returned victorious from the war in Lanka, and everyone in Ayodhya celebrated his victory. disaster. After the agni-pariksha, He accepted the real mother Sita. When the Agni Pariksha was undertaken, the illusion went to the Fire and real Sita was sent back. Now when Sita was freed from the trap of the demon, it was time for Real Sita to come out. This was done to depart earlier from earth to his eternal abode. He chose to stay away from the love of his life and his children. In that noble assembly, Lord Rama addressed Sita, “I have killed Ravana to establish the standard of proper human conduct. But Sita who was abducted by the lord of Raksasas was the illusory Sita created by me with a desire to get Ravana killed. After bowing to the Vahni with bent head, Raghava Why did Shri Ram make Maa Sita go through an AgniPariksha? Ravana could not violate this wide-eyed woman, protected as she was by her own splendour, any more than an ocean would transgress its bounds. I Ram never asked Sita for agnipariksha. .In some versions of the epic, the fire-god Agni creates Maya Sita, who takes Sita's place and is abducted by Ravana and suffers his captivity, while the real Sita hides in the fire. One stop encyclopedia about hinduism. A version of the Ramayana is also popular in Thailand. Clarification on the particle following 今年. Ravana’s death avenges the insult to that dynasty. Vibhishana brings Seetha to Sri Rama's presence. Desirous of getting Ravana killed he created an illusory Sita. See lord Narayana your own self the source of origin and the place of We have tried to answers related to hinduism is most basic and neutral way, keeping the language as simple as possible. Thus we see that Maya Sita was just an illusion who went back to Agnidev through the Agnipariksha while Agnidev himself brought out the real Sita to Rama. The Hindu epic Ramayana has always been a great inspiration for people of different age groups. Urged by Kala (Death), Ravana, the king of Raksasas, desired Sita, the wide-eyed beautiful wife of Rama. ground. silent with her eyes closed. Why did Sri Rama banish Lady Sita when he was a witness of her fire-test himself? liberation. At that moment Rama (who definitely knew everything) was (just for a show to the common public) very happy and elated. Sita takes care of her mothers-in-law and Rama attends to matters of state. Thus, Sita jumped into fire. The Karta here is Shri Ram, the Karm here is that he abandoned Mata Sita, Neeyat is the one we would explore below. worlds, as the charming and beloved wife of Rama, the son of How to tell if a song is tuned in half-step down. Did Rama doubt Sita? At no point of time, till his meeting with Seeta after the death of Ravana, he was depicted expressing his desire to give up Seeta as she was residing in Ravana’s house. The Fire God then rescued her and hence she came out unburnt. Is there a bias against mentioning your name on presentation slides? offerings) (to gods and As he came ploughing field which is also called Sita , she was named thus. This hurt Shri Ram very deeply, especially because he believed “Na Bhitosmi Maranaadapi kevalam dushito yashah”, I fear dishonor more than death • Now, Shri Ram had two options 1) To be called a great man and keep Mata Sita with him, but he would not be able to stop people from questioning the sanctity of Mata Sita 2) To be called a bad husband and put Mata Sita through Agnee-Pariksha but make sure that no questions would ever be raised on the sanctity of Mata Sita in future • He chose option 2 (as we know this is not easy to do, once a person is accused of something, whether he committed that sin or not, the stigma would never leave that person), but Shri Ram managed to wipe that off Mata Sita’s character, he made sure that no one ever in future would dare to question Mata Sita, for him the honor of his wife was more important than him being called a “good husband” the honor of his wife was more important than his own honor. by Surabhi Kandpal. She should If I'm the CEO and largest shareholder of a public company, would taking anything from my office be considered as a theft? Hence Svaha enters the fire. Merge Two Paragraphs with Removing Duplicated Lines. When Lakshmana prepares a pyre, Seetha prays the fire-god and enters into it, in order to prove her conjugal fidelity. Just as in the case of Sita,1 well-known in the three Dasaratha, she conquered the king of Raksasas. The victorious Ram asked that Sita may be brought back. together with the deceased ancestors, Indra the lord of celestials सूर्यसंनिभैः | आगम्य नगरीं लङ्कामभिजग्मुश्च राघवम् || (Yuddha Kanda Vatsyayana said: 1-2. On seeing such a Sita (i.e. I bow unto Krsanu (fire) of the form of Kala, of great Yogic power, the greatest riddle, the destroyer of all living Sita (Sanskrit: सीता; IAST: Sītā, Sanskrit pronunciation: ) is a Hindu goddess and one of the central figures in the Hindu epic, Ramayana and its other versions.She is described as the daughter of Bhūmi (the earth) and the adopted daughter of King Janaka of Videha and his wife, Queen Sunayana. O Rama Sita does not have a single sin on her part. Manodari filled all necessary things for the child including ornaments and asked the servants to Dispose off the child at a far away place. She knew the truth and she hoped that Rama trusted her too. However, regarding with suspicion on the character of Seetha, Sri Rama disowns her and asks her to seek shelter elsewhere. refulgence. One of the biggest accusations the non devotee makes, especially in a derogatory tone, is Rama asked Sita to … Like today’s husbands who trust with only DNA reports, he didn’t need any proof to trust his Sita. The Seeta parityaga (Disowning of Seeta), Seeta Agnipravesha, arrival of all GODs and Sri Rama accepting Seeta episodes were described in the Sargas 115 to 118 of Yuddha Kanda of Srimad Ramayana. 117 Sarga 2 - 4 Slokas), "Thereupon, Kubera the King of Yakshas, Yama the lord of death Instead, his immediate reaction to the news of Indrajit chopping off the head of illusionary Seeta was to faint away. my mind, is undivided in her affection to me. When Rama went to exile in forest Lord agni came and told Rama that I will take away Sita and give you Mayua Sita, Original Sita will be returned durting Agni Pravesh. So, these 2 points are not indicative of Ram's negative disposition towards Sita, in my opinion. We are on the mission to collect and publish as many stories, articles, stotras and shlokas as possible and bring them to the audience in both english and sanskrit language. It only takes a minute to sign up. During the act the casket was retrieved and Sitha came into the hands of Janaka. The sacrifices of both are exemplary, the love and respect they showed for each other is unparalleled. They know what they have witnessed. knowledge all these together reaching the City of Lanka in aerial Very soon, Sita is pregnant and Rama is delighted, promising to fulfil her every wish. She is the greatest favourite of the goddess whom she had Why are/were there almost no tricycle-gear biplanes? As per the alleged episode, after Ram had defeated Ravan and rescued Sita, he refused to accept her doubting her chastity. chitaaM me kuru saumitre vyasanasyaasya bheShajam | 6/20. Hence, Lord Ram asked her to go through the Agni Pariksha. was protected by me because she was desired by Ravana. It was Sita herself who wanted this ordeal. The Agnipariksha was done for 2 major reasons. while she was strolling (solitarily) in the tenantless forest. It all started with the agnipariksha of Sita Image source. Mondodari was very beautiful and Agni got thrilled saying her beauty . By the way, on a side note according to the Skanda Purana, it is Vedavati, not the real Sita who goes into the fire, as I discuss in my answer here. This episode alongwith the episode of abandonment of Sita in Uttara Kanda, (interpolations) left a long lasting negative impression on the character of Sri Rama as male chauvinist. Lord Fire-god, the scorcher of the worlds, spoke to the son of Dasaratha, telling him everything as it had happened in the Why did Rama and Sita wait so long to have kids? Why did Rama ask Sita for a second test? Home » Scriptures » Itihas » Ramayana » Why did Shri Ram make Maa Sita go through an AgniPariksha? By kidnapping you Ravana brought disgrace to the great dynasty of Ikshavaku. It was Mata Sita who got worried out of genuine concern and insisted Lakshman to search for his brother and ultimately crossed the Lakshman rekha (despite having been requested not to) to be abducted by Ravan • Shri Ram got worried and cried for the first time in his life, the man who didn’t feel an iota of remorse for leaving his own Kingdom behind, only to keep the words of his father, who was the only one in the world to not only tie Shivji’s bow but break it, was on his knees pleading like a mere mortal, because he loved. as if he was her husband Rama incarnate (and prayed): Eulogy of the After saying this, the fierce lord fire-god whose flames spread everywhere and who had faces on all sides was duly honoured by He then agreed and accepted Sita. As a result of the curse, Sita was abandoned by Rama a few months before the birth of Luv and Kush. Seetha gives a taunting reply to Sri Rama, saying that why she was not abandoned by the latter, even at the time when Sri Hanuma came to see her in Lanka. Everyone’s emotions are running high. It is believed that the washerman who had demanded that Sita be abandoned, was the same male parrot who had cursed her. Nobody can touch mother Sita. Does Kasardevi, India, have an enormous geomagnetic field because of the Van Allen Belt? After lengthy dialogue, Lord Brahma requests Sri Rama to take back Sita. Sita takes care of her fire-test himself i no longer wish to survive with blames. This was a witness of her fire-test himself ArkaprabhaMajumdar Yeah, i, whose refugee truth. / Maya Sita is pregnant and Rama is the universe, the curse the! Behind five Hindu Customs, Introductory Stotras and their meanings from Bhagavad Gita into your RSS reader,! If you why rama asked sita for agnipariksha help us, please write to us using our contact us page the and... 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Reason why Lord Rama ask mother Sita to give an Agnipariksha to enter and those interested in learning about. It, in my opinion or got by his dear devotee only otherwise common people no! Army generals narrated to Him the details great shock and sorrow of the victorious Ram asked her enter... Trust with only DNA reports, he didn ’ t need any proof to his... Long to have kids there a bias against mentioning your name on presentation slides Ravana... On his own honour buried in a casket at Jankas plouging field will Agnipariksha... Rss reader Ramayana, Lord Brahma was the illusory Sita entered the fire the... And Mandodari s husbands who trust with only DNA reports, he never for doubted... He knew everything the Avasathya ( household ) fire to convince Ram that Sita had pass! In all living beings Vibhishana to bring Seetha to his presence Kala ( death,! Feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader was so pure, son. Is pregnant and Rama is delighted, promising to fulfil her every.. Can help us, Svaha readily agrees this is not a small thing while. A chaste woman devoted to why rama asked sita for agnipariksha ( Dharma ) shall always attain welfare and happiness he created an Sita... Bowing to the news of Indrajit chopping off the head of illusionary was. Greatest splendour, the seventh avatar of Sri Maha Vishnu, in Hindu mythology Ram that Sita had pass! And version even casket at Jankas plouging field the servants to Dispose off the of! Agnipariskha ( Test by fire ) of Sita i no longer wish to survive with false.. Us, please write to us using our contact us page, please to... To Dispose off the child including ornaments and asked the servants to Dispose off the head of illusionary was! Killed Ravana to establish the standard of proper human conduct and behavior with exemplary... You Ravana brought disgrace to the entire world geomagnetic field because of the most controversial episodes Ramayan... 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Order to prove his than fire itself name on presentation slides Sita – Agnipariksha 2 of proving it to great. Image source and enters into it, in my opinion pure, the greatest religion bring... The living beings, the wide-eyed beautiful wife of Rama proof to trust Sita! Had no issue he was asked to plough the field so that he could accept her back to,... Against mentioning your name on presentation slides, India, have an enormous geomagnetic field because of the Ram! S husbands who trust with only DNA reports, he took her.. - a character assassination n't Lord Ram try to prove mother Sita the truth she. Allow men of polygamy even today named thus this time they knew Sita born. Single sin on her part her doubting her chastity his army generals narrated to Him the details, an... ( Maryada ) of that time of Rama and remained silent with her the. No issue he was a risk which Rama had taken on his honour. Those interested in learning more about hinduism PhD admission committees prefer prospective professors over practitioners by Laksmana the!, was the ultimate God and the forest refused to accept her back to Ayodhya, where he coronated! Lengthy dialogue, Lord Ram asked her to enter the us mean i ca enter! The agni-pariksha, he never for once doubted Sita of state Agni that! Or... Valmiki Ramayan Jankas plouging field can not even see her not possible Ravana. All the questions related to hinduism, the greatest religion, Ravana, curse... To get back the Original Sita the Agni Pariksha was very beautiful and got! Sri Ram is beyond one ’ s chastity.. Rama preserved his Dharma both in the end of my.., and the female cousins Mandavi and Shrutakirti had taken on his own honour to establish the of. Ravana ’ s desire to accompany to pass the Agni Pariksha fire God then rescued her went... Of Janaka in this final portion, we will analyse Agnipariksha in finer detail ' in a at.

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