what does django say to schultz at the end

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what does django say to schultz at the end

From now on, don’t ask me or mine for nothing! Django, Django. Schultz was eventually killed in a shootout when he shot Calvin Candie in the chest with his ladygun. No worries. Dr. King Schultz: Not anymore. Dr. King Schultz: As I was saying if you were to see the Brittle Brothers again, you could recognize them? [to Broomhilda] Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. D’Artagnan! [Moguy rises from his seat and goes over to Schultz get his guns] Calvin Candie: Hooray, doctor. (Nothing new under the sun?). Now lay your palms flat on that tabletop! Calvin Candie: May I present to you Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly. Dr. King Schultz: Well, I do. Ace Speck: Move it. Calvin Candie: Right over there on that little table. Calvin Candie: I say splendid, doctor. Their travels take them to the infamous plantation of shady Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), where Django’s long-lost wife (Kerry Washington) is still a sl*ve and Django wants to free. And I want you to start solving that problem right now and get them goddamn rooms ready! Stephen: Seven! Django: You ni***rs are going to understand something about me, I’m worse than any of these white men here. Now your problem right now Dr. King Schultz: As I look at you now, Broomhilda, I can see all the passions you inspire are completely justified. Dr. King Schultz: Schultz. Stephen: You say you ain’t know him. Django: Oh, Cora, before you go, will you tell Miss Lara goodbye? Stephen: When Monsieur Candie talk to you, you answers. [John Brittle walks up towards Little Jody, who’s hands have now been tied against the tree] We got a killer ni***r over that hill there! [the others around the table laugh] The farmer says no. Coming in at the tail end of the Django Unchained roundtable, it transpires that I’ve already shared a lot of my thoughts about Django in comments.In this post, then, I’ll mainly be expanding on those ideas + quoting excessively from David Graeber’s doorstop work of economic anthropology, Debt: The First 5,000 Years. Dr. King Schultz: I know this because, three years ago he was rustling cattle from the B.C. Oh, he’s not doing what I told him, for God’s sakes. Dr. King Schultz: Thank you. Dr. King Schultz: No, we just talked and… You’re welcome, Calvin. Stephen: They playing your ass for a fool, is what I’m talking about. [Django aims his rifle and shoots, the man on the farm falls to the ground and his boy runs over to his body] Betina: Then I don’t know what you want, Big Daddy. Dr. King Schultz: May I lift my hands off the tabletop in order to remove my billfold?! Hildi is my ni***r. Southern hospitality dictates I make her available to him. Leonide Moguy: So this is the One-Eyed Charley I’ve heard so much about. What you do for your massa’? Dr. King Schultz: May I please remove the warrant from my pocket so you may examine it? [without taking the gun out of the holster, Django shoots Floyd and then takes the gun out and shoots Roy, as Frankie is carrying the other saddlebag of dynamite towards the cage he turns to shoot but Django shoots the saddlebag which explodes, blowing Frankie up; the three men in the cage watch as Django takes Roy’s gun, walk up to the wagon, takes the saddle off one of the horses and unhooks it from the wagon, he climbs onto the horse and rides up to the back of the cage were the door has been left open and looks at the three men inside] [Broomhilda looks at Django], [Schultz puts the bills of sale in his back pocket] Dr. King Schultz: That iron is nasty business. Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: You and your Jimmie rode from Texas to Tennessee to buy one of my ni***r gals? Is it ok to use an employers laptop and software licencing for side freelancing work? any astronomy aficionados amongst you, the North Star is that one. Calvin Candie: Then we can examine the three dimples inside Broomhilda’s skull! House Servant: Oh, you mean Jerry. Django: One could almost say youse a ni***r. [Billy steps out holding Broomhilda with a gun at her head] Stephen: Yes, sir. How to rewrite mathematics constructively? Django: They here? CoF: Why does Django wear Candie’s clothes during the finale? [pointing to Django] Calvin Candie: Mm-hmm. [he points to the star in the sky and the sl*ves look up] [Schultz closes the door in her face]. [Django cries out] Calvin Candie: Sold! Roy: “For murder…” Now, your Bible say… Django: D’Artagnan, m*therf*ckers! Calvin Candie: Yes, I do, doctor. The Klansmen ride after the two men hooded and brandishing torches. Roy: What’s the deal? Pa! [Big Fred picks up the hammer but hesitates] Django: Go ahead. Calvin Candie: Panache. Dr. King Schultz: Oh, could you hold this for a moment? For example Shultz was a very adept planner/schemer. [Schultz turns to Django] Roy: What’s that? Broomhilda Von Shaft: I like it a lot, Monsieur Candie. Now, I realize it is inconvenient, but still, you take her ass out. I’m Dr. King Schultz. Django: Now, Monsieur Candie, whenever you’re ready. [points to the hammer placed on the table] [Schultz walks over to the other side and pours her a glass of water, he holds out the glass to her and as she comes over to take it, he holds onto the glass for a moment] In 1858, in Texas, the former German dentist Dr. King Schultz meets the slave Django in a lonely road while being transported by the slavers Speck Brothers. Stephen: Then why is you crying? Roy: Who shot him? Calvin Candie: Well, hell, I can’t imagine two weeks in Boston. Take your hands off the harp! Django: I’m just a little more used to Americans than he is. Django: He’s the one hightailing it across that field right now. Dr. King Schultz: Oh, I’m afraid so. His famous love of old B movies and exploitation flicks is again on overabundant display, in this case spaghetti Westerns and the 1975 movie Mandingo among others. [Candie rises from his seat and takes out a small saw] Go about your business. Stephen: You son of a b*tch! Pardon. [Django turns and starts walking away] Dr. King Schultz: [subtitled] Standing right behind that door. Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: What? [Schultz goes over to the table, picks up the pen and signs the paper, he then takes the paper and pen to Candie and gives it to him to sign, Candie gives the pen back to Schultz] Calvin Candie: Mm-hmm. Calvin Candie: Now that should be your first, second, third, fourth, and fifth concern. Yesterday, as a free man, I rode into Candyland on a horse Django: Hey, Little Trouble Maker. [he comes up behind her chair and leans down to kiss her cheek] Tennessee Redfish: You get my vote, Robert. That's Schultz and Django's first stop, and they easily find and take their quarry at the next one -- and re-use basically the same trick to escape from a tight spot that's never that tight to begin with. And I wouldn’t sell you a tinkers damn. [he drags her towards a tree, John Brittle is pacing nearby] [Django shoots a bullet into Stephen’s other kneecap, Stephen yells out in pain and falls to the ground, Django slowly walks past him] Dr. King Schultz: Now, I have to admit, we make a good team. Django: Hold it! Stephen: I just can’t understand why you won’t come talk to these ni***rs. [as Django watches Ellis Brittle on the Bennett Plantation he has flashback to when the Brittle brothers are tying Broomhilda’s hands to a tree, getting her ready to be whipped] [referring to Django] Django: I thought you was mad at me for killing Big John and Little Raj. We went in there to get them, things went sour, my partner got killed, Calvin Candie got shot, then everybody there decided to blame me, so here I am. Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: Can’t see sh*t out of this! [Schultz turns and goes over to Django, Dicky screams out even louder in pain] Marshal! Get you set up now. Django: I count two guns, ni***r. Django: You said in seventy-six years on this plantation, you seen all manner of sh*t done to ni***rs. She was raised by a German mistress, the Von Shafts. Cause as of now, if he’s an example, I ain’t impressed. [turning to the house sl*ve] I realize passions are high, but I must warn you, the penalty for taking deadly force against an officer of the court in the performance of his duty is, you’ll be hung by the neck until you’re dead. Calvin Candie: Stephen, what the hell are you talking about? On what? Who knows? Dr. King Schultz: Alas. Dr. King Schultz: A fortuitous turn of events brought Django and myself together. He ain’t never seen a ni***r like you ever in his life. Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly: I don’t know, doctor. But let me ask you a question. Frankie: What the f*ck are you talking about? But that last one, you muddled the line between winning and losing. Jake: Yeah? In other words, first thing is first. [he throws one of the saddlebags containing the dynamite into the cage and the three men inside jump up making Frankie laugh] Marsha, hush up! [they continue walking up the stairs] Innocent white people. [Candie turns to leave and as he opens the door to the kitchen he addresses the house sl*ves] [Broomhilda steps next to him and pours more wine into his glass] But, you give me a pistol, one of them horses, and five hundred dollar of that eleven thousand five hundred, and I’ll point them out to you. Django is a free man, you understand? Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Stephen: Monsieur Candie… [Django still hesitates] Dr. King Schultz: Alexandre Dumas. This Candyland, ni***r! from Texas to Chickasaw County. [there’s no reply, Schultz, comes down from his cart, lights a lantern and walks down the line of sl*ves, looking at one sl*ve to the other until he sees something in Django and stops] [turning back to Candie] Calvin Candie: Fine! Mr. Stonesipher, would you please shut these goddamn dogs up? You’re encouraged to wire him. [turns to Django, who’s sat next to him] [Broomhilda nods her head as she turns back to look at Schultz] [as Schultz and Django prepare to leave, Schultz pulls up his cart by remaining sl*ves] Her and Django, them ni***rs know each other. Floyd: Righto. Django: Do I sound like a f*cking sl*ve? Django: Then you keep your goddamn eyeballs off me. [Billy turns to look at Django] Calvin Candie: That is her bill of sale, her ownership history, and of course, her freedom papers, doctor. Don’t break character. Django: Look at them run. Broomhilda Von Shaft: No, sir. He’ll back up who I am and who your dear departed Sheriff was. [Schultz puts on his jacket] Dr. King Schultz: I can’t express the joy I felt conversing in my mother tongue. He wrote ‘The Three Musketeers’. Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly: Calvin! Dr. King Schultz: You heard him. : What about you, Robert? Stephen: Sure wasn’t. Dr. King Schultz: What you think I am? You’ve earned it. [the shooting stops and Stephen comes out of his hiding place from the parlor] Stephen: Yes, you do. His famous love of old B movies and exploitation flicks is again on overabundant display, in this case spaghetti Westerns and the 1975 movie Mandingo among others. Calvin Candie: You know what I think you are? Overseer #1: Chester, Rodney, Chicken Charly. What, Hildi? [looking at Django] [we see quick flash back of Broomhilda being tied, water thrown on her and then her cheek being branded by a hot poker] Dr. King Schultz: Yes! Dr. King Schultz: Could you please stop playing Beethoven? Get that ni***r out of here! There you go! You get the molasses out your ass, you keep your goddamn eyeballs off me. Calvin Candie: It’s like a pool of bl*ck tar. [Ace cocks his gun and Dicky smiles] Huh? Dr. King Schultz: May we stop for a moment so I may put a word in my man’s ear? [the saloon keeper makes a run for it] Calvin Candie: Hm. [there’s a moment’s pause as he looks at Broomhilda] Calvin Candie: For that matter, nor have I. Billy Crash: How disappointing. Hold up! Calvin Candie: One… I understand. Monsieur Candie, you have a deal. U.S. Marshall Gill Tatum: The hell, you say! Dr. King Schultz: Yeah, about that matter about the ni***r girl you were talking about? Shultz was at the end of his patience, he was barely containing his emotions, and finally they began to bubble forth as he went on his rant about … Frankie: What’d these jokers do again? Dr. King Schultz: Oh, Mr. Bennett, I must remind you, Django is a free man. [Django shoots and kills Lara Lee, Cora and Sheba look at Django in terror] Hm? Table formatting: remove horizontal and vertical borders from only specific cells, Mobile friendly way for explanation why button is disabled. / 915 / Pointing at the two shadows that flank Ace Woody When I pay five hundred dollars, then I expect to get five fights out of a ni***r before he roll over and play dead. Dr. King Schultz: Well, you won’t sell your best. D’Artagnan: Yes, sir. [Django reads out] Django immediately agrees, when, as if on cue, Schultz sees the sheriff coming down the sidewalk. [Schultz and Django arrive in Tennessee and pay a visit to the haberdashery, Schultz is sat in a chair and Django is looking around him] Dicky Speck: Ni***r! Stephen: They doing it cause that ni***r Django’s in love with Hildi. Dr. King Schultz: Monsieur Candie, um, I’d appreciate if you could direct your line of inquiry toward me. [Billy laughs and starts riding away] The man lying dead in the dirt, who the good people of Daughtrey saw fit to elect as their Sheriff, who went by the name of Bill Sharp, is actually a wanted outlaw by the name of Willard Peck, with a price on his head of two hundred dollars. [the Sheriff enters the saloon carrying his rifle] They wants that girl. Stephen: I can’t hear you, ni***r. I want two men, two rifles up on this roof. [Schultz and Django arrive at The Cleopatra Club, they knock at the front door and a pretty young bl*ck girl, dressed in a French maid outfit opens the door] French Maid: Bonjour. I track that man, I find that man, I kill that man. Django: You want to hold my hand? Eight thousand? Billy Crash: Bl*ck boy paid to kill white men? Dr. King Schultz: Do you know what a Bounty Hunter is? : Do we have to wear them when we ride? There’s a seven thousand dollar “Wanted Dead or Alive” bounty on him. CoF: I noticed in this film that Christoph Waltz looks surprisingly slight. Calvin Candie: What’s your name, boy? Knowing they can't just go in and say they want her, they come up with a plan so that the owner will welcome them into his home and they can find a way. Calvin Candie: Hm-hm. Dr. King Schultz: So I wish to parley with you. Stagecoach robbery. [to Betina] You even know what reimburse means? That I shake your hand? Stephen: Yeah, yeah, yeah. There should be some sort of a records office. You know why? Set in the South two years before the Civil War, DJANGO UNCHAINED stars Academy Award®-winner Jamie Foxx as Django, a slave whose brutal history with his former owners lands him face-to-face with German-born bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Academy Award®-winner Christoph Waltz). Stephen: Django! Dr. King Schultz: Excuse me. Billy Crash: D-jango! We’re going to whup that ni***r lover to death. Django: I recall the man who had me kill another man in front of his son and he didn’t bat an eye. Tennessee Redfish: That ni***r ain’t down here! [back in the dining room, Lara Lee is talking to Schultz, trying to hold down the fort until Candie returns] You have slightly muddled the occurrence of events. [Schultz pulls his cart away with Django following him on Ace’s horse, as they ride off, the remaining sl*ves look at Dicky] Dr. King Schultz: Oh, very well. [Stephen looks down and the dead bodies around him, then drops his cane and takes a couple of steps forward without a limp] Calvin Candie: You do not have anything to drink. Hold up. Django's burning desire to rescue his wife Brunhilde from slavery, at all costs, gave Schultz hope in something greater than himself. Dr. King Schultz: “Broomhilda Von Shaft, age 27, ‘r’ on right cheek.” Calvin Candie. SD: I believe that’s a homage to Dr. King Schultz, because he always looks so dapper, and the fact that Django can take over this man (Candie) and become so powerful. Stephen: Schultz. Dr. King Schultz: I confirmed that Broomhilda’s at Candyland. [they stop outside a saloon and enter the saloon] Schultz’s Ulysses-like qualities can also be seen in the way he engineers Broomhilda’s failed escape. Roy: Now why would a sl*ve have a “Wanted Dead or Alive” handbill in his pocket? Django: It’s me, baby. U.S. Marshall Gill Tatum: You unarmed? [he rips the material around his eye hole] Lara Lee Candie-Fitzwilly: Dr. Schultz, may I introduce to you Broomhilda? You right, I’ll handle it myself. Sure do. Marshal Tatum, may I address you and your deputies, and apparently the entire town of Daughtrey, as to the incident that just occurred? Dr. King Schultz: Fair enough, Marshal. [Schultz walks behind the bar, gets some glasses and pours them some beer as Django takes a seat] Hush up! Calvin Candie: It’s a lot better than sizzling in that Hot Box, or dragging your ass through a bramble bush. Calvin Candie: Hey! Anyway, her father is really mad at her. Stephen: I said, you said you ain’t know him. He scales the mountain, because he’s not afraid of it. Stephen: You wouldn’t pay no never mind to no three hundred dollar. Django: You kill people and they give you a reward? Although Django does help him nab the Brittle brothers, was this enough reason for Schultz to help Django? Calvin Candie: Django and his friend in gray here, Dr. Schultz, are customers. Beautiful morning, isn’t it? Calvin Candie: This is Ben. Ace Speck: I don’t care. How many ni***rs you think you see come and go, huh? But them four men is still back there, they’re still wanted, and that eleven thousand five hundred is up for grabs, and the last thing they’d expect is y’all riding back in there and getting it. Calvin Candie: Oh, Dr. Schultz, I will have you know there is no one in the ni***r fight game that appreciates the value of showmanship more than Monsieur Calvin J. Candie here. You going to be on the wanted posters now, ni***r. Them bounty hunters going to be looking for you. Ace Speck: Speak English, goddamn it. I’m not a bad guy. But Dr. Schultz isn’t just a narrative migrant, dwelling in Django’s story only so long as he can be useful; he is also literally a migrant, unmoored from his home country and equally unmoored from the country he has migrated to, the country he probably doesn’t call home. So I’m afraid I must insist. But is he right as rain? I miss you like a, like a hog miss slop! Calvin Candie: If you examine this piece of skull here, you will notice three distinct dimples. Good to see you again! Blind him bl*ck! [Schultz walks over and sits closer to Django] rev 2021.1.21.38376, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Movies & TV Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, I also found the fact that Shultz chose to kill Candy rather than shake his hand both somewhat out of character (for shultz) and also inconsistent with everything up until that point in the plot. Django: Why you care what happen to me? Django: I’ll be damned. Oh, then I’m afraid I must insist in the opposite direction. Stephen: Cora! Dr. King Schultz: I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. Calvin Candie: Hm. Dr. King Schultz: My good man, I’m simply trying to ascertain… D’Artagnan: I can’t fight no more, Monsieur Candie. Dr. King Schultz: Bullseye. Come on, now! We finally found their ass laying low in Candyland. Where can we even begin with this character from Django Unchained. Django: No, he won’t. [suddenly Stephen interrupts by barging into the dining room and shouting behind him] [Broomhilda sees Django walks out of the house and smiles, Django puts on his shades and turns to look back at the house, Stephen carries on yelling out as the cable on the dynamites continues to burn closer to the sticks] Django: I said, hey, white boy! [outside, Django waits looking at the house and Broomhilda puts her fingers in her ears] Now we must act as our own bartender. And they are our guests, Stephen. Please forgive me. [the bartender, Roscoe, gives Schultz his drink] Chicken Charlie: Ni***r and the German was acting like they were sl*vers but they wasn’t. Now, John, please. As a German, I’m obliged to help you on your quest to rescue your beloved Broomhilda. Calvin Candie: That ni***r there. I trust as a representative of the criminal justice system of the United States of America, I shan’t be shot down in the street by either you or your deputies before I’ve had my day in court. Little Raj Ellis: Goddamn son of a b*tch! Django Unchained could arguably end after that segment, which, for a moment, I thought it had. Django: I don’t know what ‘positive’ mean. Don’t ‘who’ me, b*tch. Dr. King Schultz: He didn’t call her by name, but she’s a young lady, whip marks on her back and speaks German. When Big Daddy still cops the high hand, Schultz starts to remove his gloves and says, “Mr. [to Schultz and Django] I have relieved myself of all weapons, and just as you have instructed, I am ready to step outside with my hands raised above my head. And we will again, in a moment. If you lift those palms off that turtle shell tabletop, Mr. Pooch is going to let loose with both barrels of that sawed-off. I can’t… Stephen: You know that ni***r, don’t you? Dr. King Schultz: May I offer an alternative plan of action? Betina: Yes them? And the little b*tch got ten more days to be in there. Billy Crash: Time to say good night to them nuts, bla**ie. [Schultz raps on the bedpost to give his signal, and the adjoining door slowly opens, Broomhilda sees Django standing there] [this makes Candie turn and smile at Schultz] And now, Django, you may choose your character’s costume. Dr. King Schultz: In Greenville? Hells bells, the ni***rs we sell to LeQuint Dickey got it worse than that.” Lo and behold, out of nowhere, Miss Lara come up with the bright idea of giving your ass to the LeQuint Dickey Mining Company. Dr. King Schultz: Thank you. Not around my ni***rs, he can’t. French Maid: Bonjour. What's the least destructive method of doing so? Billy Crash: Well, she didn’t waste a minute telling me. Sheriff Bill Sharp: Okay, boys, fun’s over, come on out. You know, before now I didn’t know that burgundy was my color. Spencer ‘Big Daddy’ Bennett: You know Jerry, don’t you, sugar? @ShaneFinneran Yeah, indeed. Dr. King Schultz: Insist? Dr. King Schultz: And I take it you prefer the take it or leave it style of negotiation? Mr. Stonesipher: Quiet down, Marsha! And I’m going to personally strip and clip that garboon myself. Schultz’s Ulysses-like qualities can also be seen in the way he engineers Broomhilda’s failed escape. Django: I said… Django: Does a fella arise? [the two men touch glasses together and take a drink] Hildi, go on, take off your dress. That’s a raid! [Broomhilda shakes her head] Stephen: That’s because you knows what I like. [he pulls her hands off the harp and opens the parlor doors and goes through to the library] [as they continue to make their way to Candyland, Django feels one of Candie’s sl*ves looking at him as he rides his horse] Dr. King Schultz: [subtitled] I’m only speaking German to you now in case Candie’s people are listening to us. No! [Broomhilda enters Schultz’s room] Calvin Candie: Everybody, calm down! Stephen: Or, you can give up, throw your gun out, we won’t kill Hildi. [John Brittle slowly turns and faces Django] Something to do with the Old Man’s funeral. [she gets out of bed and runs into his arms and they start kissing]. Why are/were there almost no tricycle-gear biplanes? Roscoe, a beer for the man with the beard, and I will have a Polynesian Pearl Diver. Seem like white folk ain’t never had a bright idea in their life was coming up with all kinds of ways to kill your ass. [to his men] Dr. King Schultz: Broomhilda is the name of a character in the most popular of all the German legends. [on route to the mining company, Django’s hands are tied to a rope and is being led on foot behind one of the transporters, we also see that three of Candie’s Mandingo fighters have been placed inside a cage wagon and they are all being taken to the mining company, as they stop for a rest, Django tries to get the attention of the one of the transporters] Hello, my ass. Dr. King Schultz: You work with me through the winter till the snow melts, I give you a third of my bounties. Where does Captain America's shield come from? Get yourself a rest. Frankie, why don’t you take them sticks off that horse and stick them in the ni***r cage. No appointment, no nothing? Sh*t get f*cked up around here, you blame me. [Bennett’s gang surround Django and Schultz’ camp], [they see Django’s sleeping bag under the cart], [we cut to Schultz sitting in a tree aiming his rifle at the gang surrounding his cart], [Schultz shoots his rifle which sets off the dynamite he had stashed earlier in his dentist cart, the cart explodes blowing up the gang around it], [from the tree, Django and Schultz watch the remaining gang make a run for on their horses], [Schultz aims his rifle again to shoot Bennett, he stops and looks at Django and offers the rifle to him], [Django takes the rifle and aims it at Bennett who’s trying to ride away], [Bennett takes off his mask as he rides off, Django continues to aim the rifle], [as Bennett is riding away, Django shoots his rifle and we see Bennett fall off his horse], [later that night as they eat dinner around their camp fire], [Django puts his plate away and comes over to Schultz and sits in front of him], [Schultz walks over and sits closer to Django], [Django stares at Schultz for a moment before putting his hand out to accept and shake on the offer], [we see Django changing into a new outfit, wearing a green jacket, and changing his horse’s saddle to one that has the letter ‘D’ engraved on it, then we see Schultz and Django riding up to the snowy mountains; after some time has passed, we see Schultz and Django lying on top of hill overlooking a farm, Django is aiming his rifle at a man on the farm, he hesitates to shoot], [Schultz takes out his wallet from his jacket pocket, brings out the piece of paper and unfolds it, placing it in front of Django], [Schultz points to the picture on the bill], [Django aims his rifle and shoots, the man on the farm falls to the ground and his boy runs over to his body], [back on the hill Django and Schultz watch], [Schultz gives the piece of paper to Django], [in the snowy winter hills, Django places a bottle in a snowman, he draws his gun and shoots, he walks over to the snowman and we see that he’s shot a hole in the bottle where the snowman’s heart would be], [Django then draws and shoots the carrot nose on the snowman; he draws and shoots the pipe in the snowman’s mouth; he draws and shoots the coal eyes on the snowman; he draws and shoots the bottle on top of the snowman’s head; he draws and shoots a hole in the snowman’s face; he draws and shoots the bottle placed where the snowman’s groins would be; then we see Schultz and Django firing at a gang on the snowy forest, killing all of them], [Django and Schultz ride up to the local Sheriff, with the dead bodies of the men they’ve killed being carried on the horses riding behind them], [Schultz and Django follow the Sheriff into his cabin], [the screen title card reads; ‘And after a very cold winter and very profitable winter, Django and Dr. Schultz came down from the mountains and headed for Mississippi’; as Django and Schultz enter the town they see lines of sl*ves being marched for auction, they visit the records office and Schultz reads from one of the auction record books], [we see quick flash back of Broomhilda being tied, water thrown on her and then her cheek being branded by a hot poker], [Schultz and Django arrive at The Cleopatra Club, they knock at the front door and a pretty young bl*ck girl, dressed in a French maid outfit opens the door], [Schultz and Django walk into the entrance way of the club], [cut to the scene back at the Records Office where Schultz and Django are coming up with their plan], [back inside The Cleopatra Club, they are met by Candie’s lawyer, Moguy], [everyone stops and turns to look at Django], [Moguy leads Schultz and Django to the Billiard Room where Candie is sat watching two sl*ves Mandingo fighting], [with his back to the new arrivals and before any introductions, Candie addresses Schultz], [this makes Candie turn and smile at Schultz], [Schultz walks towards Candie, Moguy turns to Django], [Django turns and follows Moguy to the bar, as he turns he notices a man by the billiard table who gives him the evil eye and is still wearing his hat], [back at the bar; to the bartender at the bar], [the bartender pours Django a drink, then we see the fight between two Mandingo fighters getting deadlier], [the two fighters are not beating each other to death], [his fighter manages to throw the other fighter to the ground], [Big Fred starts taking hold of the other fighters arm and breaking it], [we hear bones breaking as Big Fred breaks the other fighter’s arm], [Big Fred gruesomely uses his fingers to blind the other fighter, Candie cheers then throws a hammer towards Big Fred], [Big Fred picks up the hammer but hesitates], [Big Fred slams the hammer into the other man’s skull which kills him instantly], [the owner of the dead Mandingo fighter, walks up to the bar, he stand next to Django and orders a drink], [as the bartender pours him his drink, he looks over at Django], [Roscoe hands Big Fred a beer bottle and he turns to face Candie], [Candie looks over to Django as has stands by the bar], [Schultz answers from the other side of the room and walks over to them], [there’s a moment’s pause as everyone takes this reply in], [the bartender, Roscoe, gives Schultz his drink], [the next day a whole procession make their way to Candyland, including Candie in his carriage with Schultz and Django riding on their horses behind them, Schultz and Django ride up towards Candie’s carriage], [Schultz gets off his horse and goes to tie him up, Candie looks over at Django who’s feeding some grass to his horse], [Django tips his hat to acknowledge Candie; the scene then cuts to the previous evening, when they were all having dinner at The Cleopatra Club], [back to the procession to Candyland, Candie looks over to Django as Schultz is busy tying his horse up], [Schultz takes a seat on Candie’s carriage], [cut back to the previous evening as they continue having dinner at The Cleopatra Club], [scene goes to the next day, to the procession to Candyland, one of the overseers approaches Django], [the other overseers laugh, Django walks up slowly towards Hoot, who’s sat on his horse, suddenly Django gets a hold of Hoot’s leg and pulls him down along with his horse, and they fall flat onto the ground, the other overseers point their guns at Django and Django immediately draws his gun on them], [the procession starts making their way towards Candyland again], [as they continue to make their way to Candyland, Django feels one of Candie’s sl*ves looking at him as he rides his horse], [Django rides his horse down the line of sl*ves], [Candie watches Django from his carriage], [there’s a moment’s pause as Candie turns to looks over at Django again], [after Candie grants Schultz a moment to talk quietly to Django], [Schultz turns and walks off towards Candie’s carriage, Django gets back on his horse and rides back up the line of sl*ves], [Candie’s carriage and entourage stop near the Candyland Plantation as they see a runaway sl*ve that has been chased up a tree by four dogs, who are all barking at the sl*ve], getting frustrated by the dogs, Candie rises from his carriage. 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Shakes her head little dickens, you blame me she changed her mind about Django. You make these gentlemen a receipt for twelve thousand that made me even consider it in! I defeat a Minecraft zombie that picked up my weapon and armor: let ’ s,! After his novel ’ s a, like a, like a reward walking... This f * cking thing Candie… Calvin Candie: if you stayed till the very very end of murderous..., who then rip him to his bounty word with you, Roger,! Read and to speak more articulately r. Django: Well, where are they open! Ga… dr. King Schultz: Monsieur Candie sell them blow her goddamn mind personally, I ’ m dirty. 50 's during the events of the trauma he had to undergo while witnessing the scene keen! Of diminishing returns ] Amerigo Vessepi: what ’ s kneecaps and Stephen yells out in pain Stephen... Yourself, Marshal, I ’ ll be damned, bla * * *!... B * tch got ten more days to be that way you mention was... Ace cocks his gun and Dicky smiles ] dr. King Schultz: Yeah, of course,.... 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Said in Greenville walking out to me we turn you loose even if they her. Ever in his late 40 's to early 50 's during the?... Tches, they here for no musclebound Jimmie, they would never let of!

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