list of dinosaurs

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list of dinosaurs

Valdoraptor - This early "bird mimic" dinosaur lived in England. Spinophorosaurus - This early sauropod had a "thagomizer" on its tail. The name 'dinosaur' itself means 'terrible lizard'. Now, a group of gunslingers must defend their home if anyone is going to survive in a battle of cowboys versus dinosaurs. Anchisaurus - One of the first dinosaurs ever to be dug up in the U.S. Andesaurus - This titanosaur rivaled Argentinosaurus in size. Antarctosaurus - This titanosaur may or may not have lived in Antarctica. Scolosaurus - It was once classified as a species of Euoplocephalus. Edmarka - This may have been a species of Torvosaurus. Epachthosaurus - This "heavy lizard" was relatively primitive for its time and place. Agustinia - A large, spiny-backed sauropod. Beipiaosaurus - The only known feathered therizinosaur. Sauroniops - This dinosaur's name means "Eye of Sauron.". Dilophosaurus - This dinosaur was distinguished by the bony crests on its noggin. This is a list of dinosaurs whose remains have been recovered from North America. Complete List of Dinosaurs . Return of the Dinosaurs . Tatankaceratops - Was this really a juvenile specimen of Triceratops? Zby - This dinosaur's name was inversely proportional to its size. Don't forget to check out some of the more notable dinosaurs, either. ThoughtCo. You'll find it to be hours of fun and there's a new dinosaur waiting for you to discover. Tastavinsaurus - This titanosaur was discovered in Spain. The closest is the Dinosaur Genera List, compiled by biological nomenclature expert George Olshevsky, which was first published online in 1995 and is regularly updated. Pachyrhinosaurus - This "thick-nosed lizard" roamed the North American forests. You might know of the T. Rex and the Triceratops, but have you heard of the duck-billed Edmontosaurus or the peacock-like Nomingia? From raptors to tyrannosaurs and sauropods to ornithopods, this list includes every dinosaur that has ever lived. Magnapaulia - The largest lambeosaurine hadrosaur yet identified. Anzu - This Oviraptor relative was recently discovered in North America. Hungarosaurus - The best-attested ankylosaur ever discovered in Europe. Bonitasaura - This titanosaur wasn't as beautiful as its name implies. Antetonitrus - Either a very late prosauropod or a very early sauropod. Aristosuchus - This "noble crocodile" was actually a dinosaur. Within this list includes not only the dinosaur name but … thanks to wikipedia this full list is available for you to research into. Dilong - This "emperor dragon" may have been an ancestor of T. Rex. Spinosaurus - This dinosaur was distinguished by the sail-like structure on its back. They were … Gasosaurus - Yes, that's its real name, and no, it isn't for the reason you think. Oviraptor - Turns out that this "egg thief" got a bad rap. Shunosaurus - Anatomically speaking, probably the best known of all the sauropods. Plateosaurus engelhardti Although not nearly as large as its leviathan later relatives, such as Apatosaurus and Barosaurus, Plateosaurus, with a body measuring about 25 feet long, was quite large for an early member of the dinosaurian lineage. Hesperosaurus - The oldest stegosaur discovered in North America. Auroraceratops - A close relative of Archaeoceratops. By using ThoughtCo, you accept our. Tanius - Not much is known about this Chinese hadrosaur. Charonosaurus - This duck-billed dinosaur was much bigger than an elephant. Kerberosaurus - Named after the three-headed dog of Greek myth. Achelousaurus - Might this have been a growth stage of Pachyrhinosaurus? Tarbosaurus - The second-biggest tyrannosaur after T. Rex. Sauroposeidon - One of the tallest dinosaurs ever to walk the earth. Lophorhothon - The first dinosaur ever to be discovered in Alabama. Tenontosaurus - This long-tailed herbivore was hunted by Deinonychus. Scipionyx - One of the most perfectly preserved dinosaur fossils ever found. Sinraptor - Despite its name, this allosaur wasn't any better or worse than other dinosaurs. Over this time period, known as the Mesozoic era, the Earth was subject to a lot of change in terms of landscape, climate, flora and fauna. Dinosaurs are the main focus of Jurassic World Evolution. Magnirostris - This ceratopsian had an unusually big beak. Kryptops - This dinosaur came equipped with its own face mask. Elopteryx - This Transylvanian dinosaur is almost as controversial as Dracula. If you are a dinosaur enthusiast, the chances are you already know quite a few of them. Draconyx - This "dragon claw" lived in late Jurassic Portugal. Sahaliyania - This hadrosaur's name is Manchurian for "black. A Complete A to Z List of Dinosaurs. Aragosaurus - Named after the Aragon region of Spain. Abrosaurus - A close Asian relative of Camarasaurus. Some of the other interesting dinosaurs in this list include the tiny Pravicursor, the four-winged Microraptor, and the Parasaurolophus which is thought to be the loudest of all dinosaurs. Magyarosaurus - This dwarf titanosaur was probably confined to a small island. Secernosaurus The first hadrosaur to be discovered in South America. Apatosaurus - The dinosaur formerly known as Brontosaurus. Iguanodon - The second dinosaur in history ever to receive a name. Carcharodontosaurus - Its name means "great white shark lizard." Camptosaurus - A close relative of Iguanodon. Tangvayosaurus - This Laotian titanosaur was closely related to Phuwiangosaurus. Szechuanosaurus - This theropod was a close relative of Sinraptor. Camarillasaurus - A ceratosaur of early Cretaceous western Europe. There are also interesting dinosaurs like the Argentinosaurus which is thought to have been the largest dinosaur ever to live and the Dromiceiomimus, which may have been the fastest. Aucasaurus - This predator was a close relative of Carnotaurus. Here is a list of all the dinosaurs in the game listed in order according to the category. Planicoxa - A medium-sized iguanodont of early Cretaceous North America. Angulomastacator - This dinosaur had a strangely shaped upper jaw. Archaeornithomimus - A likely ancestor of Ornithomimus. Paralititan - This huge sauropod was discovered recently in Egypt. Monolophosaurus - This Jurassic predator had a single crest on its skull. Ferganasaurus - The first dinosaur ever to be discovered in the USSR. Santanaraptor - Named after Brazil's Santana formation. Nankangia - A recently discovered oviraptor from China. Minotaurasaurus - Named after the half-man, half-bull of Greek myth. Bonapartenykus - This feathered dinosaur was found in close proximity to its eggs. Garudimimus - A relative slowpoke compared to other ornithomimids. Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals that first appeared during the Triassic period, and were the dominant terrestrial vertebrates for 135 million years, from the beginning of the Jurassic until the end of the Cretaceous, when the Cretaceous–Palaeogene extinction event led to the extinction of most dinosaur groups at the close of the Mesozoic era. Siamodon - This ornithopod was recently discovered in Thailand. Judiceratops - The earliest Chasmosaurus ancestor yet identified. Chirostenotes - This birdlike dinosaur has been known by three different names. Antarctopelta - The first dinosaur fossil ever discovered in Antarctica. Sinosaurus - It was once classified as an Asian species of Dilophosaurus. Albalophosaurus - One of the few dinosaurs ever to be discovered in Japan. It actually lived millions of years later. Titanoceratops - The biggest of all the horned, frilled dinosaurs. Lamplughsaura - This early sauropod was discovered in India. Luanchuanraptor - A small, poorly understood Asian raptor. Bagaceratops - A small ceratopsian from central Asia. Pachycephalosaurus - This plant-eater gave new meaning to the word "blockhead.". Zhuchengceratops - It probably figured on the lunch menu of Zhuchengtyrannus. Giganotosaurus - Not quite a "Gigantosaurus," but close enough. Patagosaurus - This "Patagonian lizard" hailed from South America. Linhenykus - This tiny dinosaur had single-clawed hands. Tornieria - This sauropod has a complicated taxonomic history. Bellusaurus - A herd of this sauropod drowned in a flash flood. Prenoceratops - A close relative of Leptoceratops. Zuolong - It was named after General Tso, of Chinese restaurant fame. Gryphoceratops - A tiny ceratopsian of Cretaceous North America. Opens in a new window. See also: List of Vivosaurs (Champions) and List of Vivosaurs (Frontier). Ankylosaurus - This dinosaur was the Cretaceous equivalent of a Sherman tank. Also, you'll find the Muttaburrasaurus interesting because it's fossil is the most intact found to date. Noasaurus - Were this predator's giant claws on its hands, or on its feet? [2] In the 1993 movie Jurassic Park, the sound of the T-Rex's footsteps was the sound of cut sequoias crashing to the ground. Leaellynasaura - One of the few dinosaurs to be named after a little girl. Suzhousaurus - A large, early Cretaceous therizinosaur. Gryponyx - This "hooked claw" was a distant sauropod ancestor. Seismosaurus - It was huge, to be sure, but might it have been a species of Diplodocus? Rugops - This wrinkly-faced carnivore probably fed on abandoned carcasses. Yimenosaurus - One of the better-known Chinese prosauropods. Shuvosaurus - Was this meat eater an early dinosaur or a two-legged crocodile? Drinker - Named after the famous paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope. Suchomimus - A fish-eating dinosaur with a distinct crocodilian profile. Anabisetia - The best-attested South American ornithopod. Ouranosaurus - Scientists can't decide if this herbivore had a sail or a hump. Technical terms used include: Tereschenko, VS & Alifanov, VR (2003). Minmi - An early (and very dumb) ankylosaur from Australia. Koreaceratops - There's evidence that this ceratopsian liked to go swimming. Echinodon - One of the few ornithopods to sport a set of canines. After an accidental explosion at a local mine, dinosaurs emerge from the rubble to terrorize a small western town. Metriacanthosaurus - Yet another dinosaur that was once mistaken for Megalosaurus. They became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates after the Triassic–Jurassic extinction event 201.3 million years ago; their dominance continued throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Deinocheirus - All we know for sure about this dinosaur is the shape of its arms. Overosaurus - This dwarf titanosaur was announced to the world in 2013. Once dinosaurs went extinct, they were forgotten for a long period of time. Shuvuuia - Scientists can't decide if it was a dinosaur or a bird. Also, it's thought that the Guanlong may have been the first among the tyrannosaurs. Afrovenator - One of the few carnivores ever to be dug up in northern Africa. Anodontosaurus - This "toothless lizard" actually had a full set of choppers. Technosaurus - This early herbivore was named after Texas Tech university. Acristavus - This early hadrosaur lacked any ornamentation on its skull. Eocursor - This late Triassic reptile was one of the earliest true dinosaurs. Raptorex - A pint-sized precursor of T. Rex. "A Complete A to Z List of Dinosaurs." Neimongosaurus - A rare therizinosaur from inner Mongolia. Aegyptosaurus - Try and guess which country this dinosaur was found in. Panphagia - Its name is Greek for "eats everything.". Tylocephale - The tallest-domed of all the pachycephalosaurs. The most authoritative general source in the field is the second (2004) edition of The Dinosauria. Maiasaura - This "good mother lizard" kept close tabs on her young. Hypsilophodon - This man-sized herbivore liked to eat and run. Xuanhuaceratops - An early ceratopsian of the late Jurassic. As usual, Google is my friend. Berberosaurus - This "Berber lizard" has proven difficult to classify. Erectopus - This "upright-footed" dinosaur is a 19th-century enigma. Leinkupal - The latest surviving diplodocid sauropod. Anchiornis - A four-winged dino-bird that resembled Microraptor. Votes: 1,284 "A to Z of Dinosaurs" In: Weishampel, D.B., P. Dodson & H. Osmólska (eds.) Yulong - The smallest oviraptor yet identified. Seismosaurus It was huge, to be sure--but might it have been a species of Diplodocus? Many of the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic Era (about 252 million to 66 million years ago) were longer and more massive than modern elephants, hippopotamuses, and rhinoceroses. Work in Progress Full Stats List. Xinjiangtitan - This huge sauropod was a close relative of Mamenchisaurus. Mahakala - This dino-bird was named after a Buddhist deity. This page is an attempt to list all known dinosaurian genera. We use cookies to make your online experience sweeter. Astrodon - The official state dinosaur of Maryland. The diversity of dinosaurs in the past. Rapetosaurus - The only sauropod ever to be discovered on modern-day Madagascar. D&D Beyond Probably the most instantly recognizable of all dinosaurs is the North American Triceratops (three-horned face), with its parrot-like beak and huge frill at the back of its head. Gobisaurus - An unusually large ankylosaur of central Asia. Sinusonasus - It sounds like a disease, but it was actually a feathered dinosaur. Naming conventions and terminology follow the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Avimimus - A particularly bird-like cousin of Oviraptor. Loricatosaurus - This stegosaur was once classified as a species of Lexovisaurus. Sigilmassasaurus - Was this really a species of Carcharodontosaurus? Agujaceratops - It was once classified as a species of Chasmosaurus. Listing 10,000+ pictures of dinosaurs, facts about them and other prehistoric animals, bringing them closer to kids, their parents and teachers. As such, birds were the only dinosaur lineage to survive the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event approximately 66 million years ago. Rhabdodon - A possible "missing link" between Iguanodon and Hypsilophodon. Pedopenna - One of the earliest known dino-birds. Mercuriceratops - This ceratopsian was discovered on the U.S./Canada border. Leshansaurus - Did this meat-eater feast on small, armored dinosaurs? Troodon - Possibly the smartest dinosaur that ever lived. Jobaria - A strange, short-tailed African sauropod. Angolatitan - The first dinosaur ever to be discovered in Angola. Velafrons - A new addition to the duck-billed dinosaur family. Alvarezsaurus - A bird-like dinosaur of the Late Cretaceous. Mantellisaurus - Named after the famous fossil hunter Gideon Mantell. Falcarius - A bizarre, feathered theropod from North America. Austroraptor - The largest raptor from South America. Seitaad - This small dinosaur may have been buried in an avalanche. Cryptovolans - Was this the same dinosaur as Microraptor? Brachylophosaurus - This duck-billed dinosaur's beak looked more like a parrot's. Parvicursor - One of the smallest dinosaurs yet identified. Rajasaurus - This "prince lizard" lived in what is now modern-day India. Alioramus - Everything we know about this tyrannosaur is based on a single skull. Lurdusaurus - This ornithopod resembled a giant sloth. Listing 10,000+ pictures of dinosaurs, facts about them and other prehistoric animals, bringing them closer to kids, their parents and teachers. Psittacosaurus - This dinosaur's noggin wouldn't have looked out of place on a parrot. Irritator - This spinosaur was named by a very frustrated paleontologist. This list of dinosaurs is a complete listing of all dinosaurs genera that have ever been included in the super order Dinosaurian, not including class Aves (birds, both living and those known only from fossils) and merely vernacular terms. doi:10.1080/02724634.2019.1564757, International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, List of Australian and Antarctic dinosaurs,, Lists of prehistoric animal genera (alphabetic), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Australovenator - A recently discovered carnivore from Australia. Seitaad Brontomerus - Its name is Greek for "thunder thighs.". Kaijiangosaurus - This might have been the same dinosaur as Gasosaurus. Argentinosaurus - Possibly the largest dinosaur that ever lived. Zuniceratops - This horned dinosaur was discovered by an eight-year-old boy. This is a list of dinosaurs whose remains have been recovered from North America.. North America has a rich dinosaur fossil record with great diversity of dinosaurs. Utahraptor - Probably the biggest raptor that ever lived. Nothronychus - The first therizonosaur to be found outside Asia. Zhongyuansaurus - The only known ankylosaur to lack a tail club. ", ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience.

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