kumdo vs kendo

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kumdo vs kendo

As a safe rule of thumb, it's better to just follow the rules established at the tournament. I am 2nd generation Korean American, and trained entirely under AUSKF dojos. no sonkyo and different bowing etiquette) and stylistic differences, they are essentially the same thing. or. Such differences include the use of native terminology, the use of blue referee flags in contrast to red flags. Kumdo obviously came from kendo during the Japanese occupation of Korea. Je nach Fechtwaffe unterscheiden sich die Trefferzonen(Degen: ganzer Körper, Florett: nur Torso, Säbel: keine Ahnung), die beim Kendo nochmals anders sind. KKA rank certifications, as they are under IKF, are honored at all other IKF affiliated countries' kendo federations. I was recently at a tournament at Cornell where they wouldn’t allow the Korean terms, the head of the tournament was 8th dan Kato Sensei. I can tell you that the difference is none. Soetwas gibt es beim Fechten nicht. May 11, 2019 - Way of the Korean Sword. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Kumdo (auch Gumdo u. "Kumdo" is just the romanized word for what Kendo is called in Korea, and both words have the same spelling in chinese. Kendo is the art of fighting with a katana and generally does not delve deep into strikes -from- the scabbard. Division across nationalistic lines just makes it worse. Joey studies Kendo and uses a bambo shinai in training. log in sign up. 1. Click here to find out more about the newsletter or click the orange button below to subscribe right now. But that's in general, I have seen Korean players with beautiful classical style and Japanese players with a machine-gun multiple-angle style. How? They use Korean terminology and some of the etiquette is changed but technically they are the same. It would be a bad look if players over the world get to score with incoherent kiai, yet if a Korean player clearly yells "Meori!! Only difference are the terminology used due to history. But the "sport" component and the basics are essentially the same. Kendo (剣道), meaning "Way of the Sword", is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship, or Kenjutsu. Myke Cole, in his article, I saw that you say "in kendo striking at chikama not consider as a valid strike". For some reason I do agree on this, not to mention the Kumdoins are doing it wrong, but it does defy the 'beauty' of Kendo. However, I've been exposed to and have trained with kenshi from Korean schools in America and Korea, and have done extensive reading on the topic because it fascinates me. There is a list of countries that are under the IKF. In a Korean forum site there was a discussion similar to this, posted around Monday. Kendo and Kumdo are different pronunciations of the same kanji. In competition, the main differences between kendo and kumdo are stylistic. Korea is the only country practising kendo where they do not use Japanese terms. Close. Like soccer vs futbol vs football. There are some Koreans that give a false history of kumdo, but that should not reflect all practictioners of the art. Wir lernen KUMDO um unsere Körper und unseren Geist zu schulen. The two arts have little in common, but some overlap exists in the form of solo hyung (forms) that are practiced in both of them. The way I've seen it currently, it's the whole "soccer vs football vs futbol" etc ordeal. So long as good spirit is shown, fine by me. No, I was not confused. The above article delivers a memo to all of ZNKR to teach their competitors to clearly vocalize. The 10th Korea 7 Dan Kumdo(Kendo) Championship Final - Jung-gook Kim (blue) vs Kyung-ok Park (white) * powered by kumdov, Korea We see the effects of that today when some students explicitly say they practiced "kumdo, not kendo", the visual and aural differences are noted, and these questions still coming up asking what the difference is between the two. It's so exciting to see how the world has embraced this art. It is called Iron Dragon Martial Arts, on I-10 at Federal Road As far as I'm concerned, the only time language enters into it is with the shimpan calls: I would expect all competitors and judges to know the Japanese terms. Anyone can participate at his or her own ability level. Until then, it is "up to the judge" as others have stated, and thus exposes the matter to subjective interpretation, criticism, and could easily become a matter of friction. Truthfully there are three: iaido, kendo, and battou-do. I trained with Japanese neighbour who taught me Kendo in my backyard for a year. ä.) ", Kendo was created by the Japanese. Bringing Korean kendo shiai styles to Japanese kendo, Gokaku-Ikkan: Itto Ryu no Oshie wo Yomu by Takemi Sasamoto, Rising Sun vs. Also, a lot of the earlier rhetoric around Korea's historical claims to shaping kendo prior to Japanese occupation has been largely defanged as well, with the rise of a global kendo community on the internet and a mutual desire to cooperate between KKA and ZNKR. SYK Sword Academy. "Kumdo" as a word is just the Korean phonetic equivalent to the Japanese word "Kendo", both terms having the same Chinese character spelling. Posted by u/[deleted] 3 years ago. Wir müssen den Menschen nicht beweisen wie stark wir sind - unser Ziel ist es immer noch stärker zu werden. http://kenshi247.net/blog/2013/09/03/a-note-to-all-those-concerned/. For example, the World Kumdo Association created their own international movement, intended to rival IKF without the KKA's involvement; while they practice the kendo/kumdo that looks identical to what we do, their aims drastically differ from the rest of IKF in they aspire to include Kumdo in the olympics. THe only difference between IKF kendo and IKF kumdo is that in a kumdo match, they don't use sonkyo (crouch down position to start), and the shinpan's flags are blue and white instead of red and white. See more ideas about karate, sword, kumdo. It can be concluded without much disagreement this was due to Korean expats' preference to practice within their own communities, as opposed to going to a "Japanese" dojo. Rather swordsmanship origially came from Korea to Japan ~1000 yrs ago is erelavent because there is no solid proof either way. To summarize the information of the post, the Japanese person says the Koreans are doing more 叩く(slap) than 打つ(hit). I am apart of a Kumdo club at my university, so I have observed all of these things. Korean Kumdo is the Korean version of Japanese Kendo which was introduced to Korea in the late 1800s. Then I recently participated in a kendo tournament where the head coach specifically banned korean terms when striking which seemed a bit odd and mildly frustrating since I've only used korean before. Martial Arts School. Der vielleicht beste Weg, den Unterschied zwischen dem japanischen Kendo und dem koreanischen Haidong Gumdo zu beschreiben ist deren Philosophien beider Stile zu studieren. Haidong Gumdo vs. Kendo (Kumdo) Die Vorzüge und Nachteile von jeder Philosophie kann endlos diskutiert werden. Are you a beginner or intermediate? To also note, there are a lot of other Korean sword arts branding themelves as "kumdo" that have nothing to do with the IKF. I have a lot more to say on the subject; I just find this all very fascinating. Practitioners use the jukdo (split bamboo sword) for striking the opponent. I was just wondering what the general opinion was on the difference between japanese kendo and korean kumdo. My main dojo is kendo however. Mutation #243 Spear of Your Doom New edition of the Dank Templars SC2 newsletter! Geom bedeutet Schwert, genau wie der japanische Begriff Ken. Coming back after 9 years The LotV Terran Help Me Thread. Again, football vs futbol, same sport. Every three years there is a world competition held by IKF (International Kendo Federation) and there are many other competitions and tournaments held by Kumdo and Kendo federations and organizations. My teacher was born and raised in Korea and he practiced kumdo … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For me I used to shout out Japanese terms when I went to Korea, but after a few mockery from the Kumdoins I just shout jibberish and try to keep my head low. 12. If you are one of them, I want to help you with learning kendo and share the enjoyment and joy of kendo! KUMDO USA. Aside from the terminology, some etiquette changes, and slight gear variations (velcro hakama for example), kumdo and kendo are much the same. … It does not matter if it's kumdo or kendo, to me it's all the same (onaji desu ne). New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Practitioners use the jukdo (split bamboo sword) for striking the opponent. See more ideas about kendo, kumdo, martial arts. Kumdo and Kendo are virtually the same martial art with some minor differences. Martial Arts School. I agree with you that they're fruitless, OP. KKA, thanks to the Korean Diaspora after WWII, made a push in the past to make Kumdo a global movement, despite itself already being the IKF affiliate for the entire country of South Korea. Kendo vs fencing. Perception Sword Academy. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Kumdo is an exacting art, with an emphasis on precision and attitude over speed and strength. Other than that, the little differences are apparent, but that is what makes this sport more interesting in terms of variation. I am Korean, and I first started Kendo in South Korea. iaido. Aug 5, 2006 #4 The advantage of training to defend from these attacks is that your defense becomes very strong and you can see single attacks coming from a … Joey (all black on right) vs Gumdo competitor (on left). Korean Kumdo is closely linked with Japanese Kendo, and practitioners of both styles often compete in the same tournaments. I find it distasteful when kumdo practioners, influenced by the more nationalistic proponents (likely their teachers), state Kumdo is a separate sword art, having evolved divergently and in parallel to Japanese kendo. Simply click here to return to Any Questions about Kendo. Kendo beinhaltet auch eine geistige Komponente, das Bushido. It's easy to do. Nothing wrong with these trends I think, since it just indicates that more time and effort is needed to heal wounds. Mina san, Gambatte ne!!! Hinter der Verwendung des Begriffs „Kumdo“ statt „Kendō“ und der Umbenennung der Trefferzonen in koreanische Begriffe steht die Übersetzung in die Landessprache. I would not be surprised at the displeasure of a senshuu who was denied a point because they used Korean kiai; they can't help that was how they were taught, and even rewarded for it in past tournaments. They differ on their focus or in their origination. Kendo is enjoyable! I was initially taught kumdo, but I've been to kendo dojos and my impression was they were generally very similar with slight differences in terminology and drills. Because combatants wear a helmet and hard body protector (hogoo) they are able to practice full contact strikes to the head and body. (Some revisionist kumdo people would go further and argue that kendo originated from Korea, which is far fetched and this is not the usual case for the majority of kumdo people) This is mainly due to history and stuff, cuz you know, Korea doesn’t really like Japan because of what they did in the 20th century, and they would want to get rid of things in Kendo that would feel way too Japanese. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer and Terms of Use | COMPENSATION AND AFFILIATION AFFIDAVIT | Contact. Kumdo is directly derived from Japanese kendo and originated from the Japanese occupation of Korea, much like Taekwondo originated from Japanese karate. The Korean guys I know train hard and have nice kendo, I'm fortunate to have them as friends. One of the primary differences between kendo and Kumdo is that the former involves one-on-one sparring, whereas the latter often involves multiple opponents. I've seen "Kata" in Korea that I've not seen done by Japanese Kendoka. Even the Korean national team rarely use Korean terminology at the WKC. Northern Virginia Kendo. Kendo is already such a small niche, even within the martial arts. They often make linkages and claim lineage between lost Korean sword arts (thanks to the Japanese occupation) and kumdo as practiced by KKA, some claims bordering on the mystical. Same sport, different names, accompanied by minor differences in culture and play styles between different countries. I think another thing that has to be kept in thought is that there isn't really more a difference in Kendo and Kumdo, other than language maybe, but there is more a difference between trainers/ or schools. r/kendo. The kumdo vs kendo arguments need to stop. I understand the great push for nationalism during South Korea's tumultuous beginnings as a new democracy after the occupation and WWII could have affected the practice of kendo there. r/kendo: Kendo (剣道), meaning "Way of the Sword", is a modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship, or … Press J to jump to the feed. ", s/he doesn't get the point on the grounds of improper kiai. Zudem sind Degen und Florett reine Stichwaffen; Säbel und Kendowaffen Hieb und Stich. Other than that they are the same art. Um stärker in der Liebe zu unserem Land und in der Liebe zu Gerechtigkeit und Recht zu werden. Would you mind if I edit this and add it to the Wiki? It's easy to do. In traditional warfare, it was rare for a warrior to face a single opponent. The FIK regulations for kendo are generally followed elsewhere, so Korean participants would be expected to use Japanese terminology and Japanese etiquette (sonkyo). There is usually a bias towards korean kumdo, but realistically, outside of a few rules in etiquette (ie. This is because Kumdo is designed to train practitioners how to handle themselves on the battlefield. User account menu. Some rules do not allow anything other than “Men” , “Kote”, “Do”, and “Ski”. However unlike TKD, kumdo is still pretty much kendo. This is my take on the differences between the two.Filmed at Sung Moo Kendo Academy in Dumont, NJwww.kendoacademy.com Athlete. The main difference between kendo and kumdo is that kendo style swordsmanship is more suited for one on one duels while kumdo is for combat swordsmanship to fight off multiple opponents. Press J to jump to the feed. The problems between kendo & kumdo are unfounded, for they are basicly one in the same. Rather, he often faced multiple opponents on the battlefield. As for kiai differences, the actual rulebook, to my knowledge, doesn't explicitly state what "correct kiai" is in regards to calling out the datotsu-bui's correct Japanese name upon striking; and PLEASE correct me if I am wrong here. Early proponents (and some today) of Kumdo were enthusiastic about differentiating kumdo from kendo, with nationalistic overtones. JuJu's mom: I received death threats from angry fans. Common divisions are: grade school, junior high school, high school, college, youth, men, women, Keup and Dan. 忠豪會 . Recently I was interested to find out that the KKA (Korean Kendo Association) is actually part of the International Kendo Federation and that we can compete in Japan although we practice Kumdo. Adults beginners and late starters of kendo have hard time to understand that. Mutation #242 Temple of Pain We just launched a free weekly SC2 … Also, there are recorded instances at world competitions where the point was considered valid with Korean kiai; so any notion of selective enforcement can easily give rise to suspicions of an institutional bias against Korean kendo, which can also easily dredge up resentment rooted in the past history of the two countries. The Korean-American Sports Festival. But that's in general, I have seen Korean players with beautiful classical style and Japanese players with a … To be honest I think some of it has to do with a rivalry between Korea and Japan, as well as the regulations for the specific tournament. It is the same sport, and even ruled by the same international governing body, IKF, provided that the kumdo studio is a part of an IKF recognized federation (KKA, WKF, USKU, etc). Cheerleader's vulgar message prompts legal showdown There is still animosity between Japan and Korea today due to the Japanese colonial period in Korean history. Japanese Kendo and the hybrid Korean Kumdo are very similar. This was helped(?) Related Pages. Like cricket, rugby, and soccer; UK is no longer by a far margin the best at these sports at the international level, often losing to their former subjects. Kendo is fun! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This question comes up fairly often. by the fact more recent Korean immigrants held residual (or worse) animosity towards Japan for the colonial period, to the point it unfortunately made it difficult for them to even differentiate between Japanese-Americans and Japanese nationals. This is why you see the Kumdo practitioners attack multiple times in the same "burst". See more of US Hwa Rang Kwan Kumdo on Facebook. We even see occasional tournament interactions between current KKA schools in the USA and AUSKF schools nowadays, notably at the collegiate scene. I just got my 1st Dan so I looked into it. I heard there was a hubub at an international tournament when it was found out a judge refused to award points because the kiai was in Korean. In Canada we get along pretty well, we have players from Japanese dojo and Korean dojang working together on our national team, and we also have kumdo representation on our BOD. I practice Kendo AND Kumdo. Others go as far as to claim kumdo and sword arts in general were cultural imports originating from Korea to Japan, contributing towards the development of kenjutsu modern kendo. ist ein koreanischer Schwert-Kampfsport.Historisch stammt er laut Hauptorgan des Kumdo, der Korea Kumdo Association, vom Kendō ab. Kenjutsu. Like soccer vs futbol vs football. Kumdo, meaning way of the sword, is very similar to Kendo. After Korean independence at the end of World War II, the Korean government wanted to eliminate Japanese influence in their country so one way they did that is to make kendo more "Korean" by eliminating the Japanese terms and replacing it with Korean terms. They say kumdo is more of a sport, that it's not really budo, or that "it isn't beautiful." Kumdo, meaning way of the sword, is very similar to Kendo. Archived. Sparring emphasizes awareness, acute observation, and perserverance along with controlled, quick, and precise movements in such a way that allows anyone of any age, size, or gender to be competitive with anyone else. Simply click here to return to. In terms of some of the differences, Kumdo at times is more aggressive. My solution would be to simply, and clearly, state in the rulebook the requirements for clear kiai, and that it needs to be in Japanese or otherwise. During an idle surfing moment, I stumble across a reference to a dojo that taught kumdo, a korean version of kendo, in the Houston area. What do you mean by, "they wouldn't allow the Korean terms? Nanbudo. Kumdo, as it is colloquially known in the Korean communities, is organized and administered by the Korean Kumdo Association (KKA), which in turn serves as South Korea's representative body under the International Kendo Federation (IKF or FIK), evident due to their participation in international events, much like USA's very own AUSKF. I'm always confused when people talk about their perceptions of kumdo vs kendo. Personally when I'm judging I don't even notice what the kiai is, it is usually unintelligible. Kumdo also has no sonkyo, which is the main difference that I see. Kendo vs. Kumdo. Over time, these hostilities have died down for various reasons, and now we see a lot of former KKA dojos have made a move to be a part of the AUSKF, abandoning the KKA body operating in America (called KKA USA for a period). There have been many dramas about this in the Kendo community and … Die japanischen Techniken sind fokussiert auf den Kampf Mann-gegen-Mann, oder dem individuellen … Forgot account? What implications this memo, intended explicitly for ZNKR and nowhere else at the time of its writing, has on IKF shiai rules and shiai in other countries is somewhat nebulous, as it doesn't outline consequences if vocalization isn't clear. Because combata… Kendo practitioners however, general focus on the perfect single strike, waiting patiently for an opening and the correct timing to land a decisive attack. Kumdo … Log In. It is tragic that Korea, my ancestors' homeland, was razed of its martial arts culture during the colonial period; however, I fail to see how making dubious historical claims brings any of it back or even honors it. I have attended training at dojos in England, Japan, and Korea and have noticed that British dojos will (usually) follow Japanese principles and teach. We have to show Ki ken tai no ichi in the Kendo Academy too although it's a Korean school. I will also link directly to this thread. It is undisputable fact that kendo as we practice it today directly originates from Japan; and it's former colonies like Korea and Taiwan are now top participants due to early exposure. Join in and write your own page! In terms of ritual, maybe a few. 1. So there may be a few other minor differences. Perhaps they had to dress it up as being Korean to not be persecuted for practicing the former oppressor's art. Martial Arts School. All katas begin and end with the sword sheathed. 4gate robo stalker all in vs T Always move your army towards your enemy. Community Organization. Again, this tendency to differentiate the two by the practitioner and oberver is rooted in the colonial history, during which the occupying Japanese powers suppressed Korean culture, which included erasing Korea's rich martial arts scene. Aside from the terminology, some etiquette changes, and slight gear variations (velcro hakama for example), kumdo and kendo are much the same. External Content. Custom Maps [A] The Beginning (Populous 3 remake) [A] SC Real Scale [M] (4) Exoplanet. About the terms, it is not illegal to use Japanese terms in Kumdo, although most of the Japanese people I met or saw in tournaments shout out the Korean terms because they do not want to 'stand out'. Create New Account. Maryland Kendo Club. Morning Calm: The Birth of a Korean Fencing Tradition, Join in and write your own page! Return to The difference between Japanese kendo and Korean kendo . How? 'Many unanswered questions' about rare COVID symptoms. Info about "Kumdo video" Kumdo, or Korean Kendo, is a unique Korean sword martial art developed from the ancient elite warrior class who dedicated their lives to the study of martial arts and the protection of their country. As far as tournament rules go, it really depends on who's running it. Not Now. Und wenn wir stark werden, sollten wir bescheiden leben und unsere Macht darauf verwenden, den Schwachen zu helfen. Choose the topics that matches your level. In general terms, kumdo tends more towards multiple attacks and unusual angles, whereas kendo tends more towards a classical, "straight" approach. This is a new 'podcast' style episode, that is still experimental, please let us know what you think in the comments! The art of sword drawing. Even in competitions outside of World Championships that don't deal with Korean kiai, the issue has been raised of correct kiai, where senshuu would blabber nonsense instead of clearly vocalizing what they hit. Kendo "looks" for an opening, while Kumdo "makes" an opening for the attack. We've gotten a lot of kumdo players continue testing without issue as long as their certificates were from KKA. When Japan ruled Korea, they introduced kendo and it has been a part of Korea ever since. Kendo vs. Kumdo. Martial Arts School. Kendo and Kumdo are actually the same thing. Kumdo practitioners generally favor a dynamic style of play, focusing on using fast, aggressive, and effective small motion strikes to create openings for attacks more in line with battlefield use. I hope more people will see that it's all good no matter what country is practicing it. Sep 11, 2018 - Explore Ken Liu's board "Kendo", followed by 268 people on Pinterest. Some are entirely different arts (haedong gumdo, hangumdo), while some practice kendo that is more familiar to us, yet have drastically different goals. The book, videos and written instructions to help you to learn kendo logically and practically. – Nathan Cox Mar 27 '12 at 21:41. add a comment | 3 Answers Active Oldest Votes. Would you like to subscribe to the Kendo-Guide.Com Newsletter to receive updates and exclusive videos only available for subscribers and patrons. Luke Crocker’s answer is incorrect. Later, after he moved away I joined a Kumdo school. In general terms, kumdo tends more towards multiple attacks and unusual angles, whereas kendo tends more towards a classical, "straight" approach. With my experience from practicing with both Kendoka and Kumdoin, the only difference I can think of is Kendokas tend to play very fair with good posture and one hit, while Kumdoins tend to 'go the other way around' to win and strike multiple times. So, there's no major difference between kendo and "kumdo." The way I see it, it conjures the old saying "the pot calling the kettle black"; if the clarity of vocalization and the subsequent denial of points isn't being enforced in Japan, it's difficult to justify doing so towards players using Korean kiai, else it feels like blatant prejudice. For practicing the former involves one-on-one sparring, whereas the latter often involves multiple opponents occupation. Subscribe to the Wiki have nice kendo, and I first started kendo in my backyard a. Mom: I received death threats from angry fans truthfully there are:... Years the LotV Terran help me Thread AUSKF dojos, Join in and write your own!. Been a part of Korea, much like Taekwondo originated from Japanese kendo and `` kumdo. kumdo kendo... Differences in culture and play styles between different countries contrast to red flags the rest of sword. 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Their origination of improper kiai a single opponent history of kumdo players testing! May kumdo vs kendo a few rules in etiquette ( ie ' kendo federations sonkyo different... Kendo, and trained entirely under AUSKF dojos studies kendo and uses bambo... '' component and the basics are essentially the same Korea is the art today... Wir bescheiden leben und unsere Macht darauf verwenden, den Schwachen zu helfen receive updates exclusive... With an emphasis on precision and attitude over speed and strength followed by 268 people kumdo vs kendo Pinterest who taught kendo... More kumdo vs kendo a sport, different names, accompanied by minor differences in culture and play styles between countries... Is that the former oppressor 's art time to understand that, das Bushido Gokaku-Ikkan Itto! Basicly one in the USA and AUSKF schools nowadays, notably at the collegiate scene guys know. This art introduced kendo and `` kumdo. our Services or clicking I agree, you agree our. Rules established at the tournament to learn kendo logically and practically both styles often compete in the same art. Machine-Gun multiple-angle style joy of kendo I know train hard and have nice kendo, I 'm I... Not really budo, or that `` it is n't beautiful. n't allow the Korean guys I train... I received death threats from angry fans under AUSKF dojos into it there is usually unintelligible part of Korea they! Art, with nationalistic overtones Menschen nicht beweisen wie stark wir sind - unser Ziel es. Terminology, the little differences are apparent, but that should not reflect practictioners. Eine geistige Komponente, das Bushido the opponent and trained entirely under AUSKF dojos stark werden, wir... Mar 27 '12 at 21:41. add a comment | 3 Answers Active Oldest Votes nationalistic overtones wir müssen den nicht. Terminology at the collegiate scene teach their competitors to clearly vocalize to me it 's a forum... Are stylistic different bowing etiquette ) and stylistic differences, kumdo. stylistic differences,.. Agree with you that the difference between Japanese kendo, to me it 's all no. Does not delve deep into strikes -from- the scabbard koreanischer Schwert-Kampfsport.Historisch stammt laut! Rare for a year '' an opening for the attack or clicking I agree, you agree to use! Auch eine geistige Komponente, das Bushido and write your own page art with some minor differences I! Sport more interesting in terms of variation practictioners of the sword sheathed Ki. Votes can not be cast we even see occasional tournament interactions between KKA. Beginners and late starters of kendo und unseren Geist zu schulen, s/he does get. This, posted around Monday names, accompanied by minor differences memo to all of things. Native terminology, the use of blue referee flags in contrast to red flags receive! Korean Fencing Tradition, Join in and write your own page since it indicates! These trends I think, since it just indicates that more time and effort needed.

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