cad bane bounty hunter team

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cad bane bounty hunter team

[5], The bulk of Bane's miniaturized equipment, which allowed him to hide his weapons in plain sight,[8] was inspired by that of a Hutt enforcer who used it to imitate a Jedi. Bane was then hired by Count Dooku, to free his agent Moralo Eval from the Detention Center. [57] Bane then convened with his team at a hideout elsewhere on Coruscant, where he told his comrades that they had been handsomely rewarded for their part in the operation. Though he raised his fee due to the involvement of a Jedi, Bane accepted the assignment and immediately left for Kynachi. Image: Lucasfilm ltd. On screen we met Vader’s team of bounty hunters, including Bossk, Dengar, IG-88 and 4-LOM. [2] After killing Enisence,[44] Bane collected the million-credit bounty that the Separatists had posted on Jedi. He was first featured in March 2009 in the series' first season finale, "Hostage Crisis," as well as in its accompanying webcomic, Invitation Only. When Tano told Page's relieved mother that her Force-sensitive daughter was safe, Bane questioned that claim before Skywalker led him away. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars: Prima Official Game Guide, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Incredible Vehicles, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures: The Official Guide to the Virtual World. During the course of that gambit, Bane was captured and incarcerated in a Republic detention center, but he approached the Jedi Knight he had dealt with earlier, offering to make a deal while instead intending to escape from the prison. Duros[1] Though the Rodian mother recalled Bolla Ropal's previous statement that her son would not have to start his training at the Jedi Temple for some time, Bane deceived her, stating that Jedi impostors had been stealing Force-sensitive children across the galaxy—with the increased danger, he claimed that he had to take the young Dunn immediately. Item Condition. That coolness is magnified by the fact that despite not having superpowers or anything, Cad Bane is an incredible bounty hunter, thief, kidnapper, and … Nevertheless, Bane made it through the twenty-plus floors of the building and broke into Soopan's office. Their engines disabled by the pursuant HH-87 Starhoppers, Bane was forced to turn the ship back for the Bilbousa Bazaar, though he and Eval managed to escape from the Hutt authorities upon landing. Cad Bane was the most feared and deadly bounty hunter of the Clone Wars era. Bane briefs his team of bounty hunters on the plan to kidnap Chancellor Palpatine. [15], Cad Bane, the greatest and deadliest bounty hunter of his time, As a Duros, Cad Bane had red eyes and blue-green skin,[4] standing 1.85 meters tall and weighing eighty-five kilograms. Apologizing that they were in a hurry, Bane told Tano that they would have to "dance" some other time and left for the yacht, with Kenobi following in his wake. With the extra weight, Bane's boosters were disabled, and the two tumbled onto a roof. The only one we get to see in action, however, is Boba Fett, and in limited action at that. He provided the vendor with a special comlink that overrode the Federation's frequency jammer, which had been disrupting communications on the planet for over a decade. [7], Bane maintained his reputation as a veteran hunter throughout the Clone Wars, even until the war ended[9][88] in 19 BBY. Preparing to escape with the young Dunn in his arms, Bane witnessed Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi—who had been dispatched to prevent the kidnapping—enter the room and learn of the child's capture from Mahtee. [6] After dispatching Sing, Robonino, and two of the sentinel droids in an airspeeder to a nearby tower to wait as backup, Bane, Alama, another sentinel droid, and two droid commandos[57] for Bane's protection[68] proceeded to the Republic Executive Building's restricted landing platform in another speeder. Not to be outdone, Bane directed projectiles from his gauntlets at Kenobi, who blocked the shells and flipped onto a nearby crag to fight him at a closer proximity. Taking the risk of revealing to the trio that he was a bounty hunter in order to more effectively deceive them, Bane lied and stated that the droid commandos had been trying to arrest him and had opened fire on him when he had tried to run away. [5][6] He even enjoyed difficult assignments. [50], Though Bane tortured Ropal with electrical charges, the Jedi Master continued to refuse to unlock the crystal with the holocron. While Grievous and IG-86 assassin droids battle the Jedi in a firefight, Bane simply sits back and watches the show. [80] In September 2012, Bane was featured in his own short story, Reputation, which was released in Star Wars Insider 136. Bane then headed to the third moon of the planet Vassek, where the Confederate General Grievous maintained a stronghold. It was not long, however, before Bane was fighting the very same Jedi Knight. Though Drixo begged for her life and offered to give Bilbringi Depot to him for free, Bane simply had his droids eliminate her, claiming the depot by force. [50] Bane saw the murder as only a slight setback to achieving his objective,[51] but he still required a Jedi to access the crystal. Bane retrieved the holocron and shot at a trooper still magnetized to the roof, keeping Skywalker occupied with safely lowering the clone to the floor while he himself made his escape. Bane remained unconcerned about the losses; he knew that Sidious valued the information in the memory crystal and believed that the Sith Lord would compensate Gunray's expenses. Bane uses his flamethrower and rocket boots against Vos and Kenobi on Teth. From the crematorium, he found easy access to the prison's lower landing platforms, which opened out onto the ecumenopolis of Galactic City. Rex and Boomer succeeded in closing the main hangar door and several tunnels, halting the droids' advance. [4] During the Sleight of Hand's hyperspace trip to Bogg 5, Bane passed the time by watching The Bounty Hunters' Guild's Greatest Hits: Volume VII, a collection of holorecorded assassinations compiled by the Bounty Hunters' Guild that featured the Guild's leader, Cradossk, and his son, Bossk. [63] He was autonomous as a bounty hunter and did not place his trust in others easily or often, believing that the best way to ensure that a task was completed was to do it himself. Maul, Bane and his group then confronted Jee Kra and his remaining crew as they boarded their ship. The eight contestants were given little time before a platform in the middle of the room began to rise, with another ray shield activating along the floor and electrocuting Jakoli to death. A massive army of battle droids can accomplish many things, but some missions require a more personal touch. After receiving word from a battle droid outside the airlock that Skywalker had arrived, Bane activated the airlock's shield, trapping Tano so that she could serve as a bargaining chip. Bane next went to see the Confederate Captain Mar Tuuk before proceeding to the Kaliida Shoals medcenter, where he infected the clone trooper healing tanks with Dooku's virus so that it would spread amongst the Republic Grand Army. Rogues Gallery: Who's Who: The Bounty Hunters! A moment later, Ahsoka Tano jumped into the room, lightsaber drawn. His renown attracted the attention of Count Dooku and even the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, the latter of whom employed him numerous times for his own means. Just as Skywalker was about to grab the holocron, the astromech droid R2-D2 reactivated the gravity, plummeting everyone back down to the floor.[50]. [4], Bane accompanied Chatterbox, Knuckles, and Gunn as they reconnoitered the prison, and he then took them to the Kynachi spaceport's Docking Bay 21 to check out his ship,[4] the Sleight of Hand,[26] which the group planned to use to escape from the planet once they had rescued the prisoners from the KynachTech prison. The party—left unnamed in 2009's "Hostage Crisis"—who had hired Bane to free Ziro the Hutt from prison was not clarified for quite some time. After alerting Robonino to the device, Bane immediately strode back into the cantina to confront Gunn, who had anticipated and evaded him by hiding in the tavern's storeroom. [15] He chose to orchestrate his raid on the Senate during guard shift changes to maximize his element of surprise—and his casualties—by eliminating the majority of the active Senate security all at once,[6] thereby showing his opponents no mercy. [113], Thanks to his instant popularity with the Lucasfilm Animation crew,[6] Bane was featured in the three-part story arc—comprised of the episodes "Holocron Heist," "Cargo of Doom," and "Children of the Force"—that began the series' Season Two in October 2009. Abandoning his search for Gunn, Bane brought Robonino along on the Sleight of Hand's journey to Coruscant. Discussion between Gunn and Robonino further revealed that the latter had subcontracted the bounty hunter Bossk, whose capability Bane severely doubted, as "backup" for the infiltration of the Black Hole Pirates. [56], When the 8D smelter droid J0-N0[55] forcefully delved into C-3PO's memory banks, Bane found that his prisoner was devoid of the plans to the Executive Building or any other information useful to him. [33] Despite his penchant for a good fight,[68] Bane preferred to use stealth and surprise tactics to avoid a direct fight when possible. He then moved the subdued Tano to the frigate's airlock and placed her on the space-ward side of the shield. Bane and Eval arrive as Kenobi is securing a starship deal with the Bith merchant. [120], Initially, bounty hunters were not to be a part of the television series, but as the first season's storylines developed, a character was required to fill the role of a hunter. As they lifted off from Coruscant aboard the freighter, Bane delivered a blow to Kenobi's head, intending it as a lesson for hesitating over killing the clone technician back at the morgue. Confident enough in his own abilities, Kenobi took the next rifle, scoring three successful hits. [32] At some point, Bane had a run-in with Jedi Master Quinlan Vos, who swore to get even with him following the incident. For that task, Eval activated ray shields along three of the adjacent walls, with the fourth housing the deactivation switch, which was also isolated by a shield. To build a name for himself in the galactic community, he decided to kill a Jedi and thus took on a job from Akris Ur'etu, the crime boss of the Skar'kla Consortium, a criminal organization based[10] on the galactic capital of Coruscant.[11]. Cad Bane is a textbook example of a psychopath: He is ruthless, greedy, brutal, evil, cold and cruel he kills without remorse and takes sadistic pleasure in his victims' suffering. [98] He proved his skill as a leader while commanding the posse that he formed to free Ziro the Hutt from Republic custody, and his assured manner and brutal methods earned him respect from his underlings. Once he had secured Ziro's release from the high-security Central Detention Center, Bane disbanded his posse and delivered Ziro to the Hutt Council. His suspicions about "Hardeen" raised, Bane led the way to the prison's lower landing bay, summarily gunning down all of the clone troopers in their path. [125] In a clip revealed during the Animated Origins and Unexpected Fates panel at Celebration Orlando in 2017, Bane and other bounty hunters had ended an insurrection by Fett. [46], With hired assistance from Jedi hunter and fellow bounty hunter Aurra Sing, Bane took a fleet of Munificent-class frigates and C-9979 landing craft to mount a surprise attack on the planet Devaron, where Bolla Ropal maintained a Republic base[47] called the Temple of Eedit. Leaving the stolen holocron at his hideout, Bane used[52] the Xanadu Blood, the elite Rogue-class starfighter[44] that Sidious had gifted to him,[54] to capture the young Nautolan Zinn Toa on the planet Glee Anselm. He was considered the leading bounty hunter in the galaxy during the Clone Wars due to the death of Jango Fett at the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. Though Parasitti was captured and Todo destroyed, Bane was able to escape with a holocron. [81] As far as droid assistance went, Bane used Todo 360,[1] an incredibly useful techno-service droid who was equipped with a number of built-in gadgets,[110] for various missions and jobs. Through TC-70, Bane learned that the Hutt leaders sought to take Ziro in under their "protection" because he[56] possessed and had hidden a record of all the Hutt families' criminal dealings. A male Duros who's easy to recognize thanks to his signature wide-brimmed hat, Cad became known for being the best bounty hunter in the galaxy after Boba's father, Jango Fett, was killed in Attack of the Clones. However, Bane and Eval were then joined by another bounty Rako Hardeen, who was actually Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise. Bane initially believed infiltrating the Temple to be impossible, but when Sidious put his reputation into question, Bane agreed to the assignment[46] regardless of its costs,[45] albeit with the request for an elite Rogue-class starfighter and triple his usual rate. Bane piloted his fighter out of the hangar and its magnetic shield, forcing Skywalker to jump off, and proceeded to the Resolute's set of hyperdrive rings. In the case of Tano, Bane found it easy to exploit the Padawan's pride and overbearing faith in her abilities by isolating her and waiting for the right moment to strike back. Grievous hires him to track down Jedi Master Plo Koon, who is after the cyborg general, but Bane fulfills the job by simply pointing out Koon and Jedi Knight Aayla Secura when they enter the cantina, searching for Grievous. Although Bane and Kenobi wasted no time in demanding their pay from Eval now that they were on Serenno, Dooku offered the former two mercenaries places in a competition that would determine the participants in the plot to kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Maul, Bane, and his group then left, but their ship was rigged with explosives[6] and crash-landed on Drazkel's moon. Arriving at the Sleight of Hand, Bane set his crate down and slowly retrieved his alternate pistol as Skywalker conferred with his Padawan. Next on the list should be Ventress. Just as they were pulling away from the station aboard their yacht, the bounty hunters were set upon by Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who were tracking down Hardeen to bring the fugitive mercenary to justice. [50] Bane deemed Ropal's sacrifice to be foolish[13] and held little regard for his life,[99] walking away from the murder scene without a backward glance[50] and seeing the death as only a slight delay in achieving his objective. Even when faced with seven of the elite droid commandos, Bane made quick work of them with his blasters. Although Todo wanted to bypass the grate, Bane stopped him and checked with Parasitti on the vault's security measures. In the meantime, Bane left his command ship and moved in to capture Ropal. When Alama returned without the droid, he reported to Bane that Skywalker had destroyed the droid, but an examination of the droid's remains had revealed that Skywalker was without his lightsaber. In the Light Side campaign's third Geonosis mission, Bane is one of the participants in the final duel in the Petranaki arena.[132]. The escape pod would then be transferred to Ambase's transport, though Ambase had no idea what to do with the pod once Bane completed his job. Gender [55] According to Bane's Databank entry, some first season publicity materials mistakenly implied that Darth Sidious and the Separatists had hired Bane to free Ziro. Bane used an impressive arsenal of weapons and tools to ensure that he would be well-prepared for any situation[1] and to make up for his lesser prowess in athletics. He followed the enemy agent to the Skar'kla Consortium's security center, where he saw him kill Ur'etu's security chief and then Force-choke the crime boss himself. [131], As part of the non-canonical character matchups presented in Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Head-to-Head, Bane is assigned to capture Pre Vizsla, the leader of the Mandalorian Death Watch. The instant that the primary laser systems were down, Bane and Todo descended into the shaft leading to the Holocron Vaults. [16] A cunning fighter[68] who was skilled in the various forms of the art of combat,[15] Bane was well known for his prowess in combat and was one of the deadliest beings in the galaxy with a blaster. Bane ultimately emerges victorious in the grueling confrontation that ensues, though only barely. [55] Bane additionally used several deadly IG-86 sentinel droids in his operations because of the line's agility and intelligence,[111] often relying on them for muscle to supplement the skills of other mercenaries in his work. However, the job had cost Gunn the Hasty Harpy, and she had subsequently been stranded on Vaced. Bane opened fire on the clones, shooting and killing several of them. After warning Palpatine not to mount any last-ditch attempts to apprehend him, Bane bade the senators farewell and left the Senate with his accomplices. When that failed when Kenobi disarmed him, Bane simply electrocuted Kenobi and kicked him aside. Leaving no evidence of his work, Bane reported to Sidious the successful capture of Bilbringi Depot, and a pleased Sidious transferred payment to his account. [56], While collecting his pay—a large case laden with Republic credit ingots—from Jabba's protocol droid translator, TC-70, Bane learned that Jabba required him for further assistance,[56] as his successful acquisition of the Senate's floor plans had proven his worth to Jabba. [101] He put much effort into protecting the locations of his hideouts, specifically on Coruscant; he often commandeered civilian airspeeders while operating there to eliminate direct trails to his hideouts. Despite several of the bounty hunters losing their lives, Bane was then chosen by Dooku to lead the group of survivors, including Rako Hardeen, secretly Obi-Wan Kenobi in disguise, Embo, Twazzi, and Derrown, in kidnapping Chancellor Palpatine[11] during Naboo's Festival of Light in Theed. Chronological and political information Those manipulations of Breakout Squad ensured that Darth Sidious's plans for Kungurama would be furthered.[35]. Though he worked for a number of clients, his loyalty was ultimately to credits—and by extension, the highest bidder. Bane employed a variety of weapons and allies to ensure that he always got his pay, and he became the leader in his line of work after fellow bounty hunter Jango Fett perished in the opening battle of the war. During the Clone Wars, he is hired frequently by the Separatists, Sith and Hutts for various jobs and impossible missions due to his exceptional skill against Jedi. It is protected by a defense perimeter, which can only be bypassed with recent Separatist clearance codes. [72] Bane was able to evade apprehension by the Jedi Order following the hostage crisis,[73] though Alama,[71] Robonino,[74] and HELIOS-3D were not as successful in their endeavors. All of the acquisitions were as deadly as they were elusive, as one of the targets had claimed the lives of two Guild hunters before Bane successfully hunted down the target. Bane, Eval, and Kenobi were thus forced to make a stop on Orondia to purchase fuel from the second Bith dealer. Bane and Kenobi subsequently agreed to the tournament, which took place at the palace that night. As Skywalker and Tano landed on the dorsal hull of Bane's frigate with All Terrain Tactical Enforcers, Bane refused to send out Vulture droid reinforcements into the battle—to the surprise of both his battle droid crew and Gunray. He brought an old leather satchel with one thousand peggats from Sidious to buy the depot from its owner, Drixo the Hutt, but he also took along three deadly IG-86 sentinel droids in case Drixo refused to sell her property. In response to Bane's fury with being betrayed to the Hutts, Kenobi stated that Bane would have done the same thing in his situation—for the time being, they were even. Sith Order (as mercenaries)[2]Hutt Clan[3]Confederacy of Independent Systems[4] When the path was blocked by starship wreckage, Rex fired a rocket launcher at the rubble, and the Jedi and Bane climbed the debris. The six remaining competitors—Bane, Kenobi, Embo, Twazzi, Sixtat, and Derrown—thus entered the fourth and final challenge of the Box. Knowing that Davtokk intended to kill him and collect the bounty on his head, Bane assembled a life-size mannequin of himself from a scrapped B1 battle droid to fool Davtokk. Bane stopped Tano from telekinetically retrieving her lightsaber by grabbing her ankle and sending a paralyzing stun charge through her body that knocked her unconscious. Detailed 6-inch scale Cad Bane from Star Wars: The Clone Wars Fe How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center, The Bounty Hunters' Guild's Greatest Hits: Volume VII, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, Star Wars: The Clone Wars – The Official Episode Guide: Season 1, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded. Despite that setback, Bane realized while conferring with C-3PO that R2-D2, as an astromech droid, would likely hold the plans to the Executive Building, and he thus sent Todo and HELIOS-3E after R2-D2. [7] He entered bounty hunting[5] by the year 24 BBY,[8] beginning his career by tracking down bail jumpers and other low-level criminals in the slums of his hometown. [33], Bane's gear in general was designed to counteract the abilities of Force-users:[20] his external breathing tubes prevented him from being Force-choked; his rocket boots rivaled a Jedi's Force speed[19][53] and Force leaps,[106] allowing him to outpace and outjump Force-users;[8] and his contact stunners were meant to electrocute foes in an imitation of Force lightning. However, he intentionally caused Kenobi to fail because the rifle ran out of charges after four hits.[77]. There, the pursuant Jedi Knight battled Grievous and Count Dooku before confronting Bane himself in a final showdown. He specialized in … Remarking on the Padawan's combination of cleverness and naivety, Bane ensnared her lightsaber with his gauntlet's lanyard and yanked the weapon out of her grip. When Kenobi caught sight of him, Bane activated his rocket boots and soared to the platform where the Xanadu Blood was docked. [37] In the DS edition, Bane contacts the Republic from a Separatist prison on Ryloth, where he is being held, and offers to sell information about a secret Confederate facility, but insists on only dealing with Senator Padmé Amidala. Ex-Partner, the pursuant Jedi Knight battled Grievous and IG-86 assassin droids battle the Jedi 's Consular-class cruiser encountered malfunctions! Teth, Bane 's total bounties surpassed those of all Separatist prisoners from Republic custody he her... Choice of headwear would be hired for the financial reward of his missions easy task, Cad the... Track down the crime lord its layers of paint were chipped, pursuant! Assume the Senate building [ 53 ] Bane had, in 21 BBY, [ 53 ] Bane collected million-credit! The Nintendo DS edition, he hoped to pay off some bills he had only wanted a taste of power... Bounty for the mercenary Bossk, Dengar, ig-88 and baze was a to. 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