If you find that you’re paying down your debt each month, but your balance doesn’t seem to budge, you may want to take a look at your payment strategy. Here are a…
Evaluating Your Financial Situation
Financial Planning involves three steps: 1) Setting goals 2) Assessing your financial situation 3) Managing your resources. Making An Assessment List out all the resources you have, such as your salary and wages, any…
Investment Tips for Beginners
You don’t have to be a financial planner to try investing. Although it would greatly help to consult with one, your passion to learn this trade is usually enough to get started….
Tips to Avoiding Debt Problems
The only way to avoid debt problem is to stay out of it, but for many of us who don’t have Gates or Buffett for a surname, it is a necessary evil…
Practical Financial Security Tips
Financial security is a goal for most of us, but unfortunately not many are able to show financial readiness when retirement comes. It’s so easy to get lost in responsibilities and sacrifice…
Financial Planning for Young People
Many people in their teens or early twenties are clueless about money management. This makes you wonder why something so important as personal finance is barely taught in basic education. As not…