If you’re struggling to pay credit card bills every month but can’t seem to get any traction, a debt management plan might help. You make a single payment to a credit counseling agency,…
Category: Financial Planning
Financial Plan Must-Do’s For 2018
Are you ready to kick off 2018 with a better financial you? Do you want to set aside your spending ways and educate yourself on money matters. Have a will prepared, or update…
Top financial tips to give your kids
Think back to some of the financial lessons you have learned through your lifetime. For some of us it may have been a running battle with credit card debt. Others may have…
Why you should have an emergency fund
When you’re faced with unexpected expenses, having emergency fund set aside can make all the difference. Could a relatively minor event—such as an unexpected filling, visit to the vet, broken phone, faulty…
Importance of Financial Planning
Here are ten powerful reasons why financial planning – with the help of an expert financial advisor – will get you where you want to be. Income: It’s possible to manage income…
Developing an Investment Plan
‘Plan your life, live your plan.’ Yes, it’s a cliché. But when it comes to investing your money, it makes a lot of sense to have a plan. Putting a plan together…